Articles by Siddharth Goel

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Chartered Accountancy Groups: A Continuum Conundrum!

  Siddharth Goel    13 June 2018 at 18:20

In this never ending race of achieving success in our professional endeavours, we often take up Chartered Accountancy course for redemption, which in itself pre..

GST Composition Scheme: Layman Version 101

  Siddharth Goel    06 June 2018 at 15:16

With the advent of Goods and Service Tax (GST) in India, it has taken a toll on the minds of lots of CAs, Accountants and businessmen, among others. In fact, a ..

Tax planning done right!

  Siddharth Goel    21 May 2018 at 11:06

Our 'beloved' ICAI defines Tax Planning as 'an arrangement of one's financial affairs in such a way that, without violating in any way