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Articles by Indraneel Sen Gupta

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Balanced Score Card into Budgets

  Indraneel Sen Gupta    10 December 2012 at 13:37

Balanced score card effect is only being restricted or being applied only to the financial perspective of the organization. Even in the western world from where the Balance score card came into affect into the management books was also remained

Combination of Costing Strategies and Methods

  Indraneel Sen Gupta    05 December 2012 at 12:21

Costing methods used in combination can be used as a devastating weapon for creation of economically and social benefits. But its often misunderstood and miss- represented which leads to further poor understanding and implementation of the

Innovative Benchmark Indexes

  Indraneel Sen Gupta    29 November 2012 at 17:04

Innovation is not a business. It is now a need and a part of everydays life. The terms "benchmarks" and "indexes" are often used interchangeably, but they are actually unique terms that describe different things. All ind

Cost to Competitive Advantage

  Indraneel Sen Gupta    27 November 2012 at 12:07

In my last article where I depicted the story of failure in designing the strategy plan in terms of competitive advantage designing process. This article is the continuation and the higher level of designing the competitive advantage. Competitive

Cost Accountants to ABM

  Indraneel Sen Gupta    26 November 2012 at 12:25

Cost is an integral part of designing any product and process. Prior to the debacle of 2008 I find that cost accounting method was being only adopted for deriving valuation of raw material, estimation of cost for various cost centers and providi

Strategy Death to be No.1 or No.2

  Indraneel Sen Gupta    23 November 2012 at 11:20

In business colleges we are taught about strategy and business techniques to remain in competition and derive competitive advantage. Strategy to become No-1 or No-2 is the most devastating concept being built within the mind of the top management. J

Six Sigma: Building Product Brand

  Indraneel Sen Gupta    22 November 2012 at 11:29

After the debacle of 2008 the demand of efficiency and defects reduction is on the heights ladder. The debacle of 2008 has taught us to use metrics to measure performance which the world failed to do prior to 2008. While in search of new concepts an

Retailers-Cost Linked to Multiple Benefits

  Indraneel Sen Gupta    20 November 2012 at 12:06

Online business or the e-commerce is the growing market replacing the huge fixed cost associated with shop and establishments. Online marketing has also replaced the fixed cost related to employees and other amenities. This is a fatal concept being

Innovation Labs for Corporates

  Indraneel Sen Gupta    17 November 2012 at 12:13

Innovation the mother of growth plays a pivotal role in the global economy since inception of the fire on this planet. Invention of wheel and fire were also innovation. The recent debacle of 2008 had changed the landscape of innovation acros

Capital Budgeting: CMA needs a new look

  Indraneel Sen Gupta    12 November 2012 at 10:46

The financial market took a huge turnaround after the debacle of 2008 where demand and supply inequality were the main players. Industrial revolution took a halt across the world and financial market reflected more fearful days. Globa

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