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Scenario Manager in Excel- A step towards Advance Excel

  CA Kumar Mukesh    22 December 2014 at 11:02

LEARNING SCENARIO MANAGER IN EXCEL "A STEP TOWARDS ADVANCE EXCEL"Scenario Manager is a common top-down analytical approach where numerous inputs are modified at a time, consistent with a common theme, and corresponding outputs are then ana

What is true MIS?

  Tulasi S Sastri    16 December 2014 at 10:59

MIS is understood as Management Information Systems by many. However, it is also misunderstood by many, when it comes to what its true meaning is. I have come to think on these lines after seeing varied types of reports in different organizations, be

Data Protection In Microsoft-Office

  CA Kumar Mukesh    01 December 2014 at 11:12

Data protection are urgent need of hour, to maintain its Confidentiality, Integrity and availability (CIA) but only few of us aware about its impotence.As we aware that Microsoft Office has monopoly in Office automation System, therefore we need to

IT for CA Students - 'UN-necessary' or 'UTMOST-necessary'

  CA Kunal Agrawal    27 October 2014 at 10:28

Information technology for CA Students UN-necessary or UTMOST-necessaryHello Friends !!!Information Technology..not again, we are not interested in this. Are you thinking like that. If so, then dont

COBIT: An IT Framework

  *RENU SINGH *    08 October 2014 at 10:54

Introduction :- CONTROL OBJECTIVE FOR INFORMATION AND RELATED TECHNOLOGY (COBIT) Cobit is a comprehensive IT framework from ISACA which was launched in 1996. It provides guidelines for auditing of information system for auditors. COBIT has revised t

Sumproduct - Advance Excel Formula

  @VaibhavJ    23 September 2014 at 13:24

SUMPRODUCT –an advance excel formula The SUMPRODUCT function multiplies the corresponding items in the arrays and returns the sum of the results. SYNTAX The syntax for the Microsoft Excel SUMPRODUCT function is: SUMPRODUCT( array1, array2, ...

Automated Prepaid Expenses JV in Excel

  Ramkrishna Mokashi    18 September 2014 at 12:24

Hello All,Attached is a file which contains the automated prepaid calculation. No Hassles of working out how much is accrued, how much is pending, etc. Just Update the table in the first sheet. And rest will happen automatically. Of course, you are f

Reverse/Backward VLOOKUP - Advance Excel function

  @VaibhavJ    15 September 2014 at 10:50

Reverse or Backward Vlookup or lookup. For understanding reverse or backward VLOOKUP lets get clear about forward / direct VLOOKUP function her : http://www.caclubindia.com/articles/excel-function-vlookup-21678.asp So I assume you are clear ab

How to make VLookup Foolproof

  Ramkrishna Mokashi    12 September 2014 at 10:44

In your day job, you have an excel workbook which is setup to get you the values you need, in the format you need. Probably using basic formulas, including VLookup.Nothing is more annoying and depressing to get your carefully set VLookup formulas get

Excel function VLOOKUP

  @VaibhavJ    11 September 2014 at 10:36

1st Question now a days which comes while soft skill interview is.......Do you know VLOOKUP & if you dont respond immediately there grows eyebrows of interviewer up with that grinny smile on his/her face; lets bettle it out & be the master of

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