Service Tax Articles

Service Tax On Chartered Accountants

  CA Sudhir Halakhandi    09 January 2009 at 01:27

SERIVCE TAX ONCHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS SERVICE - BY CA SUDHIR HALAKHANDI The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, established by the Act of parliament, is besides imparting education of Accountancy, controlling the p

Service Tax Collection At Source- Viability

  CA Sudhir Halakhandi    06 January 2009 at 13:43

PREBUDGET-DISCUSSIONSERVICE TAX DEDUCTION AT SOURCE: - THE VIABLITY?- CA SUDHIR HALAKHANDI Budget 2009 is round the corner and as per the recent indications whole the emphasis will be on Service Tax. A new concept has emerged two or

Works Contractors - A cue from SC's decision

  CA. C V SURYAM    17 October 2008 at 18:23

Service Tax - Works Contractors - A cue from Supreme Court’s verdict ? It has been a grappling issue under Service Tax since the levy of service tax on works contractors. The concept of sub-contracting is not most uncommon and prevalent in the

Common Credits- Confusion Galore

  Madhukar N Hiregange    03 October 2008 at 15:31

Cenvat Credit Restriction under Rule 6- Confusion Galore Madhukar N Hiregange, FCA The credits under central excise and service tax have witnessed a number of changes over the years. First in 2002 Service tax credit was allowed within the service,

Delay in Refund/ Rebate - Service Tax

  Madhukar N Hiregange    26 September 2008 at 10:01

Delays in Refunds/ Rebates - Exporter of Services The basic principle in exports is that the taxes should not be exported. It is presumed that the Commerce Ministry as well as the Finance Ministry are in agreement on this aspect at least. In 2004 t

GTA- Service Tax - Issues

  Madhukar N Hiregange    25 September 2008 at 14:23

Vexatious Issues under Service Tax - Goods Transport Agency Madhukar N Hiregange FCA, DISA(ICAI) SYNOPSIS The service tax on the goods transport agency was imposed w.e.f. 1.1.2005. This was after a committee went into the dif


  MONISH BHALLA    20 September 2008 at 15:29

Change is inevitable and so are the clarifications and statements issued by the Ministry of Finance, which at times change more colours than a chameleon. In 2003, the Central Board of Excise and Customs, vide its Circular No. 59/8/2003-S.T., dated 2


  MONISH BHALLA    20 September 2008 at 15:21

The Central Government has been always known for the internal inconsistency between the Commerce and Finance Ministry. Both the Ministries have their own agendas and conflict of interest which is the root cause for all such Ambiguities. The Ministry

Service Tax Dispute Resolution Scheme, 2008: An Overview

  PRADEEP MODI    11 September 2008 at 11:20

Service Tax Dispute Resolution Scheme, 2008: An Overview By Pradeep Modi, FCA, DIS

taxable services - Important for CA final Exams

  Shyam Murarka    01 September 2008 at 17:43

TAXABLE SERVICES Description of service Coverage Exclusions/Exemptions Architect Statutory coverage Servi