Budgetary Changes In Service Tax By MONISH BHALLA www.servicetaxonline.com With the presentation of the Finance (No.2) Bill, 2009 the Finance Minister has proposed certain amendments and the sa
“DISAPPOINTMENT COMES ONLY TO THOSE WHO MAKEAPPOINTMENT WITH THE FUTURE”Disappointment Comes Only To Those Who Make Appointment With The Future. The ‘Aam Aadmi’ and the Stock Market both felt disappointed as they had huge exp
Service Tax: Budget- 2009 HighlightsBy Madhukar N Hiregange, FCA, DISA& Sudhir V S, B.com ACADirection of IDTThe FM stated that as advised by Kuatilya 3000 years back he would make the law certain and equitable. The speech itself dispelled any s
SERVICE TAX:New Services has been levied on following services: Transportation of goods through Railways, including government railways. Transport of coastal goods, and transport through inland waters. Legal Consultancy Services, except services
Discussion on IMMOVABLE PROPERTY NOT LIABLE TO SERVICE TAX Renting of immovable property not liable to Service Tax but service Tax relation to Renting of Immovable property is taxable service under 65 (105) (zzzz). The recent decision of
SERVICE TAX ON BUILDERS Construction of residential complex was brought under service tax net w.e.f. 01.06.2005. Definition / Scope: Any service provided or to be provided to any person, by any other person, in relation to construction of complex
SERVICE TAX & MOVIE THEATRES The question whether the activity of screening of film / movie (as supplied by film distributors) by theatre / multiplex owners would be covered under any of the taxable services, and whether it would be liable to s
Budget 2009 - Specific Issues / Suggestions in Service Tax. Madhukar N Hiregange FCA This notation from our side covers the issues which have been bought to our notice or those where there is a doubt in the minds of the officers/ tax payers. These
CENVAT CREDITS UNDER SERVICE TAX By Madhukar N Hiregange FCA& Sudhir V S. B.com , ACA The Cenvat Credit Rules 2004 has followed the Modvat provisions of 1987. This has replaced the Service Tax Credit Rules 2002 which was in vogue for two years w
Renting of Immovable Property - Delhi HC – Liable ?By CA Madhukar N Hiregange & CA Srikantha Rao T The category of renting of immovable property service was introduced under service tax for the first time with effect from 01.06.2007. Thi