Several exemptions are being afforded as a matter of necessity so much that GST is being opposed by SSI units for fear of losing their excise exemptions. Author believes that all exemptions from indirect taxes are unproductive and hence, worthy of
Goods and Service tax (GST) is the most talked about topic in the field of indirect taxation today in India. Everybody is keenly waiting for the proposed GST draft which will replace the existing system of VAT in India. The central government wants t
NOW WE MAY GET A NEW DEADLINE FOR GST- 1ST APRIL 2012CA SUDHIR HALAKHADIThe extended deadline of GST i.e. 1st. April 2011 is now coming very near and the fact is that still the centre and the states are not agree on even the draft of the Constitutio
ADMINISTRATION IN GST – MOVING UPSTAIRS OR DOWNSTAIRS Prepared By: CA Pradeep Jain, CA Preeti Parihar and Sukhvinder Kaur, LLB [FYIC] Introduction: “Too many cooks spoil the broth” perhaps this would have been in the thoughts
GST – A BOON OR BANE Everybody in the country is talking about the GST and everywhere it is said that GST will increase our GDP, boost our economy, etc., but at what & whose cost? There are a number of serious disadvantages of this syste
GST UPDATES BY CA SUDHIR HALAKHANDI 1. 17TH AUG 2010 Knowledge Hub How GST will work in Our Country? In India the states and Centre are agree on Dual GST in which a single transactio
GST UPDATES BY CA SUDHIR HALAKHANDI-2WHY NOT NATIONAL GST??We are getting so much News about GST these days and they are related to the projections mainly concerned how the GST will change the National Economic scenario positively and further major
AFTER REVISED DISCUSSION ON DTC- WHAT ABOUT GSTThe Finance Minister Mr. Pranab Mukharjee has two major tasks in his hand and if successful handles the both then certainly his name remembered as “Most successful Finance Minister” of India
Budget 2010 on Goods and Service Tax CA. RAJAT MOHANBudget 2010 whether good or bad for GST?In Budget Speech 2010 -2011 Pranab Mukherjee, Minister of Finance showed his keenness to introduce GST; however, he also recognised that there are issues in i
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)