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Professional Resource Articles

Elements of Restructuring of Loans

  CA Mahesh Bansal    25 October 2016 at 11:08

Debt restructuring is a method used by companies with outstanding debt obligations to alter the terms of the debt agreements in order to achieve some advantages..

Let's Learn to Co-exist!!

  Prof. Bajaj    03 October 2016 at 10:47

We start assuming the ownership of space around us and start feeling intimidated when someone else enters. We need to realise and find ways to co-exist.

Are you really Professional?

  CA Saurav Somani    24 September 2016 at 13:11

Being professional is to keep adapting yourself to every sphere of life with balance and flexibility.

Cross Border Leasing

  Harsh Thakrar    19 September 2016 at 11:04

The article provides an insight about the cross border leasing and its legal implications

Brand and its Importance

  Nitin Hargude    05 September 2016 at 10:49

Branding is the process of using a word or an image to identify a company or its products. Brand is the reputation or goodwill through which general public recognise the organisation

Accountants can do more than accounting

  Member (Account Deleted)    27 August 2016 at 11:30

In an organization, one single person's could not improve the company and one single department could not achieve the goals, the team coordination is important this should emerge from the F/A department.

Are we ready for the price?

  Prof. Bajaj    16 August 2016 at 11:07

Almost every facility / pleasure / achievement comes at a price. If we are really willing to avail the benefit, lets be ready to pay the price.

Income Declaration Scheme, 2016 - A positive move towards strengthening Indian economy

  CA Rahul Singhi    09 August 2016 at 11:21

I request all the people by this article to declare their undisclosed income and take benefits of this scheme, make yourself free from worries, support the government on IDS, 2016

A Guide to Seek Clients for New Chartered Accountants in Practice

  CA Rohit Jain    27 July 2016 at 10:43

A Guide to Seek Clients for New Chartered Accountants in Practice

Differences between a 'Home loan' and a 'Loan against property'

  CA Mahesh Bansal    22 July 2016 at 11:02

I have observed that many people can not differentiate correctly between a 'home loan' and a 'loan against property'. Many people call me to inq

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