In a limited review, the interim financial information is analytically reviewed and inquiry procedures are conducted to identify whether the interim financial information is free from material misstatement.
The Initial Public Offering (IPO) is a very important point at which an unlisted company decides to go public for the first time by publicly listing its shares and selling its stocks to the investors.
In case of mutual funds, the mutual fund professional will take decisions on your money that is invested in the mutual fund. A mutual fund company takes money from people who are interested and re-invests.
GMP stands for grey market premium. It is a term used to estimate the price at which the IPO share would be listed in the market. This grey market operates before the listing and it starts from the IPO start date.
We all know that the season of IPO is going on with many companies coming up with IPO's and many more to come. This has created a lot of buzz and left many people confused as to such which IPO to apply for and which to leave. In this article, I have tried to come up with pointers to look out for when you want to analyse an IPO.
Alternative Investment Funds or AIFs as they are commonly known, are a privately pooled investment vehicle registered with SEBI.
Managers should standardize processes and automate them when possible to achieve optimal performance, higher productivity, and bottom line profits. Let us get a deeper understanding of process standardization.
When both parties agree to mutually settle the dispute then they need not go to the Court. The Maharashtra RERA has established a Conciliation Forum and is the first RERA forum to do so.
With so many developments in the field of technology, a Digital CA is the need of the hour. This also requires CA Firms to develop the right set of tools to implement Digital Technology and also train their employees.
The ICAI has setup a board named DAAB (Digital Accounting and Assurance Board) to take care and focus on the issues in accounting and assurance arising from the high pace of digitalisation.
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)
Survey, Search and Seizure under Income Tax Act 1961