Others Articles


  CA Tejas Andharia    30 August 2008 at 13:05

FROM : CA. TEJAS K. ANDHARIA DIWANPARA ROAD, KACHHIYAWAD, BHAVNAGAR 364001 tkandharia@gmail.com Phone no. 0278-6546969 Cell No. 989870

Interview Tips

  CA.Madhavan    25 August 2008 at 12:24

Interview TipsThe interview levels the playing field. No matter where you went to school or JOB, no matter what your Goal is, no matter how much experience you have, no matter who you know--if you aren't able to interview successfully, someone else

History of ICAI

  Jeet Biswas    25 August 2008 at 12:24

History -->

Concept of Working Capital Management

  Sarvesh Mani Tiwari,CFA(ICFAI)    21 August 2008 at 00:58

What is working Capital? Every business needs funds for two purposes- for its establishment and to carry out its day to day operations. Long term funds are required to create production facilities through purchase of fixed assets such as plant and m

CA is Conquer Again

  E.Nivedita    02 August 2008 at 03:15

“CA is Conquer Again” “CA is Conquer Again and not Come Again.” These were the words of Mr.T.N.Manoharan when he inaugurated the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India in my hometown, Tuticorin. From that day those two

Common Currency for Asian Region

  Rushikesh    29 July 2008 at 12:11

A SINGLE CURRENCY FOR ASIA: IS IT TIME?ROBERTO F. DE OCAMPOFormer Secretary of Finance, PhilippinesandPresident, Asian Institute of ManagementGiven at the ADB Seminar: “A Single Currency for East Asia –Lessons from Europe”37th ADB

Hedge fund

  Member (Account Deleted)    29 July 2008 at 12:11

Hedge Fund IndustryIn 2005, Absolute Return magazine found there were 196 hedge funds with $1 billion or more in assets, with a combined $743 billion under management - the vast majority of the industry's estimated $1 trillion in assets. However, ac

Budgeting your Money - Manage it wisely

  Darshu    18 July 2008 at 20:43

Money makes the mare go. That’s as convincing as the Sun rising in the East. Money is something that deprives many people of sound sleep, and even the youngsters of today. In the west, getting pocket money is like snow in Siberia; but in India

Competition Act India

  Paramjit Kaur    03 July 2008 at 14:32

In any economy, for the welfare of consumers competition is very necessary. In absence of competition, enterprise start taking undue advantage of their monopolistic position and start exploiting consumers. Advantages of competition are many. Good ex

A letter from Abraham Lincoln to his son's head master..

  Ravi Kanth    03 July 2008 at 11:39

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States of America (1861 - 1865) is one of the world’s great statesmen for all time. Here is a letter written by Abraham Lincoln to the head master of his school in which his son was studying, a