Income taxes as per the Indian Accounting Standard 12 include both domestic and foreign taxes, which are based on taxable profits. It also includes withholding taxes.
To provide exact profitability and bring more transparency to the financial statements of a company, the concept of Other Comprehensive Income was introduced in IND AS.
IND AS 108 - Operating Segments is important for the stakeholders to understand and evaluate the performance of a business. However, it is not a part of Schedule III, but a part of SEBI disclosure.
Ind AS 41 is applicable to biological assets relating to agricultural activity, agricultural produce up to the point of harvest and government grants relating to agricultural activity.
The objective of IND AS 105 is accounting treatment and disclosure of non current assets held for sale / discontinued operations and to inform the users of financial statements.
Ind AS 40 is covered when an Investment Property is held under ownership and given on an operating lease and when the Investment Property is held under finance lease and given on an operating lease.
Ind AS 20 is applicable where there is reasonable assurance that grants will be received, and the entity will comply with the conditions attached to the receipt of the government grant.
If you want to know the value of your business, then this tool could be helpful. This tool contains different valuation methods like DCF model, Enterprise valuation, Perpetuity value and Payback period.
Commercial substance means that the risks and cash flows associated with one asset would differ from those of the other asset. Let us discuss the IAS: PPE - Lack of Commercial Substance.
The main goal of RPA in Accounting is to simplify repetitive procedures and increase productivity and cost-effectiveness. In this article, we discuss the advantages of the same.