Cost Compliance Report and Applicability On New Industries for the year 2011-12: From the year 2011-12 onwards many companies have come under the purview of Section 209(1)(d) of the companies Act
The Day is 1st of April 2001; the Indian Accounting Fraternity is introduced to the concept of Deferred Tax. Accounting for Taxes on Income (AS 22) is applicable to different categories of enterprises from different dates. TABLE 1.
Introduction Section 209 is one of the most important sections in the Companies Act, 1956. This section deals with the requirements of maintenance of books of accounts and penalties for non compliance. A detailed analysis of the provisions of Sect
The Revised Schedule VI which is to come with effect from 1.4.2011 is intended to mandate a presentation format which will facilitate showing what would have been accounted under the upcoming I
IFRS: Impact on the Countrys GDP IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) is not just a corporate subject but something which is of national interest. As the world turns into a Global village it is difficult for a co
LEASE (FINANCE AND OPERATING) AS -17 Definition:- Finance Lease :- A finance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset. Title may or may not eventually be transferred. In other wor
Ministry of Corporate Affairs has amended the schedule VI which is required to be implemented by the companies from Financial Year 2011-12 along with regrouping last year figures. Following are the changes in Revised Schedule VI.
Costing for Service sector An overview- Part-1 Introduction: Costing is a typical process in each and every sector. It is a very important area to concentrate for all the sectors. Not like earlier only Manufacturing industry apply Costin
IAS 16 pertains to the Property, Plant and Equipment: - their accounting treatment, recognition and determination of their carrying amounts, depreciation charges and impairment losses. Some of the major points of this standard with reference to the
Hi, friends. Hope you all are busy in revisions for your IPCC/PCC Exams. Till now, you have done all chapters of Account subjects. But here, the purpose of writing this Article is to pay your attention on a very important part of Account Sylabus, y