Accounts Articles

The need of XBRL

  Pooja Kapoor    02 July 2012 at 11:34

Pooja Kapoor NRO0217151 M: 8437294700 XBRL The Need of XBRL in the Present Era has become curiostic. It is very easy to get the most exotic information by just typing some key words at an internet search engine. Investors, Stakeholders and Ana

Stock Options - Measurement, Accounting & Disclosure

  Sanjay Chauhan (IFRS)    26 June 2012 at 17:43

A. Stock Options Stock Options are getting more prevalent as part of compensation package in many entities in India especially MNCs that are listed on Stock Exchanges in India and abroad, either directly or through the stock of its holding Company

Insurance Claim: - An Easiest Approach to Understand

  praveer    25 June 2012 at 12:05

Introduction: There are various risks attached today with business, whether it is small, medium, or large. One of the major risks is losses suffered by businesses due to fire, theft or earthquake. Insurance companies ready to bear these losses if t

Guidance note on accounting by real estate developers

  CA Sachin D Jain    14 June 2012 at 11:38

GUIDANCE NOTE ON ACCOUNTING FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS (REVISED 2012) SIMPLIFIED 1) Applicability i) To the enterprises dealing in land, building and / or rights related thereto as sellers or developers. ii)

Integrated Accounting System : An overview

  Pankaj Pendse    11 June 2012 at 12:02

Integrated Accounting is a distinguished accounting system in which the accounts are integrated and only a single set of accounts are maintained. Essentially it avoids maintenance of Accounts under cost accounting & financial accounting. Thi

Preparation of Cash Flow Statement - Part II

  RaGHuRaM    08 June 2012 at 11:38

Hi, friends! In continuation to my first part Preparation of Cash Flow Statement; Im writing this article to make it easier to prepare the cash flow statement. The second part explains the preparation of working notes. First we are going to s

Real Estate/Construction Industry: Reconfirmation of Applicability of Cost Accounting Record Rules 2011

  CMA Navneet Kr Jain    30 May 2012 at 11:02

Real Estate/Construction Industry: Reconfirmation of Applicability of Cost Accounting Record Rules-2011 by Ministry of Corporate Affairs By Navneet Kumar Jain FCMA, MBA, LL.B., M.COM., PGDTL, LIII., AIIISLA The present article is in continuati

Preparation of Cash Flow Statement

  RaGHuRaM    29 May 2012 at 14:08

Cash flow statement.As the name itself indicates the statement which only deals with inflow and outflow of cash (and cash equivalents) during the accounting year. Our work is to classify those inflows and outflows into three activities namel

Compulsory Convertible Instruments under Revised Schedule VI

  Sanjay Chauhan (IFRS)    10 May 2012 at 11:15

Facts of the case Indian Entities have issued Foreign Currency Compulsory Convertible Bonds / Compulsory convertible debentures. How should the same be classified under revised Schedule VI? Revised Schedule VI Excerpt from Guidance

International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS): Principle based Standard

  Sanjay Chauhan (IFRS)    09 May 2012 at 11:46

IFRS are considered a "principles based" set of standards that establish broad rules for accounting.Rules-based standards such as US GAAP have an accounting rule for almost every type transaction. There are various oversight bodies whose objective is