Accounts Articles

Finalization of Balance Sheet (Part - III)

  SANYAM ARORA    17 October 2012 at 11:43

Greetings of the day to all the members of CCI Family. So friends this is the final part of my series i.e. Finalization of Accounts. The links of my previous Article are given below:- FINALIZATION OF BALANCE S

Various methods of Project finance

  Sumit Jaiswal    17 October 2012 at 11:43

Introduction: For whom is it important to understand project finance? Financial managers Sponsors Lenders Consultants and practitioners Project managers Builders Suppliers Engineers. Researchers Students.

Short Note on Financial Analysis and Planning

  Ajay Mishra    15 October 2012 at 11:42

The basis of financial analysis, planning and decision making is financial information. A firm prepares final accounts viz. Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account providing information for decision

XBRL Filing of Financial Statements

  CS DHANAPAL    13 October 2012 at 13:14

SECTION A XBRL FILING OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS XBRL is the acronym for Extensible Business Reporting Language. As the name itself suggests, it is a language for presentation of data which permits easy analysis and interpretation thereby r

Accounts Payable Process

  Ki$hor B    12 October 2012 at 12:08

I was puzzled when my colleague, a new joiner, came up and said I find the Accounts Payable process a double dutch, payments made by cheque should be easy peasy (lemon squeezy). I peeped into his educational background and found him

Treatment of Proposed Dividend under Revised Schedule VI

  MOHAMMAD SALIM    12 October 2012 at 12:07

A) INTRODUCTION Revised Schedule-VI has been promulgated by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India vide Notification No S.O. 447(E) dated 28th February,2011. In said notification reference has been made to the Accounting Standards noti

Taxation Entries

  Member (Account Deleted)    11 October 2012 at 13:06

The actual taxation entries are most important things as they clears the Balance sheet picture and gives real result. Before going to understand the taxation entries, we should clear the various heads relating to Income Tax. [1] Provision for In

Revised Schedule VI Head Wise Classification Concepts

  MOHAMMAD SALIM    10 October 2012 at 11:28

As we know the Revised Schedule VI has introduced a concept of classified balance sheet. Para 1 and 3 of General Instructions for preparation of Balance Sheet defines current assets / non-current assets and curre

Specific Issues in Revised Schedule VI - Part - II

  CA Sourabh Agarwal    08 October 2012 at 11:54

In continuation of earlier article on topic Specific Issues in Revised Schedule VI, I am now here to discuss certain issues on Assets Side of Balance Sheet. Here we have a residual head named as Other Non Current Assets&

Finalization of Balance Sheet (Practical Aspect)

  SANYAM ARORA    05 October 2012 at 11:19

Greetings of the day to all the members of CCI Family. INTRODUCTION In this Article I will be discussing about some vital issues which arise while finalizing the Accounts. There are some points