Accounts Personnel, Auditors and Tax Consultants need to complete all finalization related tasks at the earliest to submit the return in time. If proper accounting is done from start to end of the financial year, it becomes very easy to complete audi
There are three types of accounts basically in the accounting, all the accounting entries shall be based on this accounts, these account types decides the nature of account and based on such nature of account treatment shall b
India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world today and is on the path to becoming one of the largest in the world in the coming decades. Our Banking sector had undergone trem
Introduction Why is valuation of inventory so important? From a lay mans perspective there can be two reasons. Firstly since the closing stock of the previous year becomes opening stock of the current year and it goes because of the going c
Accounting Standard 1issued by ICAIDisclosure of Accounting PoliciesIntroduction:The standard deals with what, where, which and how accounting policies should be disclosed. The accounting policies are set of principles, methods and procedures applied
By all account well by most account its a done deal. After years of planning, world is heading towards convergence of accounting standard. It refers to the goal of establishing a si
Time value of money in financial management decision making 1 Role of a Company Secretary in management of financial instruments A Company Secretary is the key to the efficiency and effectiveness of governance by the Board of Directors. In order t
The documentation applicable for particular type of advances are either given in the Advance Manual of a particular bank or in the circular for specific type of advances, however, the main framework for documentation is as per the advances manual of
Introduction: Providing a better infrastructure and continuous development of the same is the basic factor to sustain the economic growth of any country and also the responsibility of any Governm
Introduction: Section 138 to 147 were incorporated in Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881(NI Act) with a view to