Accounts Articles

Forensic Accounting

  Rajkumar Adukia    24 March 2014 at 16:21

Forensic Accounting Beginnings The term "forensic accounting" was first used in 1946 by Maurice E. Peloubet, a partner in a New York accounting firm. He wrote about the use of accounting in courtroom proceedings as part of testimony, but ac

AS - 30,31,32 The Terror Begins

  Priya Agarwal    10 March 2014 at 12:42

Hedging the Risk: AS 30, 31, 32 instrumentsI have tried to summarize the topic a lot and then reached to this Short cum Lengthy Article :D. I hope it will help.This AS came into effect in respect of accounting period commencing on or after 1-04-2009

AS-26- Intangible Assets, Its Accounting Treatment And Disc

  ESHA AGRAWAL    07 March 2014 at 12:35

Hello everyone, thanks for the appreciation for the first part of AS 26, now we will start the second part of our AS 26, before starting the second part attaching first of the article

Recognition Of AS-26 - Intangible Assets, Its Accounting Treatment

  ESHA AGRAWAL    06 March 2014 at 12:59

Being a commerce professional the term Intangible Asset is so common, generally we think intangible asset is that asset which we cannot touch, feel, see etc. so according to this meaning prepaid advances is intangible assets as we cannot feel, touch

Recognition Of Intangible Assets, Its Accounting Treatment

  ESHA AGRAWAL    05 March 2014 at 13:21

Being a commerce professional the term Intangible Asset is so common, generally we think intangible asset is that asset which we cannot touch, feel, see etc. so according to this meaning prepaid advances is intangible assets as we cannot feel, touch

Rules of Risk Management

  ACCA India    25 February 2014 at 16:24

Managing a risky business world The global attitude towards risk management has changed dramatically over recent years. It is this change that the professional accountant needs to navigate and control. Their world is one which has to deal with strict

Application of AS-22 in AS-19

  ESHA AGRAWAL    20 February 2014 at 11:51

Hello everyone thanks for the appreciation for my last article why AS 22 is applied, coming with another article application of AS-22 in AS -19 leases. I am writing this article to discuss with

Why AS 22 is applied

  ESHA AGRAWAL    10 February 2014 at 13:02

My aim of writing this article is to discuss with you all why AS 22 is applied, generally this happens we study the whole AS, solve the questions, but we dont know the crux of it. So friends AS 22 is Accounting for t

Different types of Accounts in Banks

  CA Gyati Gupta    27 December 2013 at 13:02

Hello everyone, This is Gyati Gupta, fresher in CA Final.This is my first article on this site ,the idea to write a quality article cropped up in my mind quiet a few weeks ago but I was confused about the topic I should choose. Though most of you

Let's Keep Accounting Simple

  Ashok    13 December 2013 at 11:39

The profession of Chartered Accountancy is much respected in society today. Its a prestigious recognition that many tens of thousands of students aspire to attain. The profession earned this respect partly due