Accounts Articles

MCA clarification on Accounting Standard 10

  CA Amit Kumar    01 September 2014 at 10:38

Impact of MCA circular on AS 10 on Indian Power Industry The Power Sector in India and Impact of Ministry of Corporate Affairs Circular (MCA) on Accounting Standard 10- Accounting for fixed assets and 16- Borrowing costsThe Power Sector in India has

R & R Expenditure in Land Acquisition - An Accounting Debate

  Sanjay Chauhan (IFRS)    28 August 2014 at 10:51

IntroductionWith the growing need to grow, various industrialists in developing nations like India step forward to invest in new manufacturing facilities. One of the key requisite for this activity is Land, on which the upcoming industries will be se

Review of Audited Accounts for New Advance

  CA Satish Badve    12 August 2014 at 11:17

Banking Made Simple: Review of Audited Accounts for New Advance: This note is prepared with a view to understand step by step the points to be look into and their relevance for consideration of sanction of advance

DOT- COM Companies and Accounting Concepts

  Naresh Kansala    12 August 2014 at 11:17

DOT-COM Companies, Accounting Concepts and Its Practical TreatmentsWith the development of IT industry there is huge scope for growth not in the IT industry but in all other industries too and the growth of E-Commerce has revolutionized

Depreciation, Companies Act 2013 & The Practical Implication

  Naresh Kansala    22 July 2014 at 16:50

Depreciation, Companies Act 2013, and The Practical ImplicationAs we all know companies bill is passed by both houses of parliaments and some of is section are applicable from 1-4-2014. i.e. out of 470, 283 sections are applicabl

Highlights of Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules 2014

  CMA Ramesh Krishnan    05 July 2014 at 13:23

Highlights of Companies (Cost records and audit) Rules 2014Introduction: Ministry of Corporate Affairs has notified the Companies (Cost records and audit) Rules 2014 under section 148 & 469 Companies Act 2013 on 30th June 2014. These rules have l

Substance over Form

  Amol Gopal Kabra (CA,CS,DISA)    09 June 2014 at 12:05

The concept of substance over form is very difficult to understand for the students in the initial stage. Owing to initial confusion many students either keep it in option or even if they study, dont understand it fully. I have made a short at

Throughput Accounting: A new approach to Management Accounting

  Hetvi Sheth    05 June 2014 at 13:06

ICAI CA final Management Accounting module makes a slight reference to the concept of Throughput Accounting. On reading various literatures on this concept, it changed my pe

Analysis of Guidance Note on Real Estate Transactions (R)

  CA. VIKAS RAI    28 April 2014 at 12:02

ANALYSIS OF Guidance note onAccounting for reAl estateTransacTionsObjectiveThe objective of this Guidance Note is to recommend the accounting treatment by enterprises dealingin 'Real Estate as sel

Tax on restaurants

  Danish    07 April 2014 at 11:59

Restaurant BillNowadays Restaurant bills are quite confusing for everyone, after having a delicious dinner Restaurant bill makes you uncomfortable. because of too much tax collected on bill, around 30% above the menu price, and if you ask to Restaura