Accounts Articles

Yuan - Depreciation; Is a Trick?

  SAMIR    04 September 2015 at 10:50

It was not surprise for many who were expecting devaluation of Chinese Currency Yuan, however for them also the magnitude of devaluation was surprise. Yuan has weaken by 4.0 % against US $ within a period of two days. Market across the world has take

Concise Note on CSR

  Asif Ali    08 August 2015 at 11:22

NOTE ON CSREligibilityEvery company (Private or Public) having Networth of Rs. 500 Crore or more or Turnover of Rs. 1000 Crore or more or Net profit of Rs. 5 Crore or more in any of the 3 preceding Financial years. (Circular 18 June by MCA)Board Cons

Know your Accounting Standards

  Prateek Jain    25 July 2015 at 17:28

Accounting Standard -15�Employees Benefits�Accounting Standard-15 issued by Chartered Accountants of India is mandatory in nature and has partial exemptions for level �II/III and Small and Medium companies.The objective of this Stan

Accounting as per AS 11 - A Special Case

  Yash Goyal    11 July 2015 at 11:16

Facts of the CaseA foreign currency loan has been obtained by the company for financing Plant & Machinery, a depreciable fixed asset. The principal portion of the said loan is fully secured by entering into twelve forward contracts for the instal

BI tools help accountants and financial pros to better serve customers and partners

  Arbuda Dave    05 June 2015 at 10:43

So, you�re an accountant, or financial professional? You can analyze a spreadsheet with the best of them. You can credit and debit with and you explain any portfolio, chart of accounts, balance sheet or P&L to any client. You may think that

Financial Shenanigans

  Simerjeet    29 May 2015 at 11:38

Financial Shenanigans includes aggressive or creative accounting, window dressing and accounting frauds with an intent to create a wrong impression about the financial performance and health of the enterprise. Dishonest compani

Social Accounting & its importance

  CA Amrita Chattopadhyaypro badge    28 May 2015 at 10:24

Social accounting is a way of demonstrating the extent to which an organization is meeting its stated social or ethical goals. Technically, the term �social accounting� or �social auditing&rdqu

Consolidation of accounts for private limited companies

  ABHISEK TOSNIWAL    13 May 2015 at 11:01

It is believed that to get correct picture of financials of a business, the financials of the subsidiaries & joint ventures of the company should be analyzed together. On this premise the concept of consolidation of accounts is devised & is t

Cost control and cost reduction

  Guest    13 May 2015 at 11:00

Cost accounting has been defined as �that branch of accounting which deals with the classification, recording, allocation and summ

Indian accounting standards converged with IFRS (Ind AS)- An Overview

  Amit Bavishi    17 April 2015 at 13:52

The world is getting smaller and smaller,globalization has made it possible to accept the world as one market. For better understanding of the business reporting and consistency in accounting policies, there was an urgent need to align to one global