Accounts Articles

How Reliance will record its new phone in the books of accounts!

  sumeet    27 July 2017 at 11:05

This article is a personal analysis and conclusion of the author about the unique nature of transactions for the sale of upcoming feature phones of Reiance Jio...

Acquisition of Fixed Assets and their Deferred Tax Impacts

  CA Kunal Narwadkar    08 June 2017 at 11:32

Taxation and accounting treatment of Interest on borrowings & Foreign exchange fluctuations related to acquisition of Fixed Assets and their Deferred Tax Impact..

New Lease Accounting Standard

  Nidhi    29 May 2017 at 11:11

Article on how are the entities as "Lessee" in a lease contract getting ready for FASB- ASC 842 implementation? What are some the important points

Protective Rights - If to consider for controlling percentage?

  CA Anuj Agrawal    18 May 2017 at 11:19

While analyzing the control aspect on any investments made by an entity, we usually go by the definition which suggests that while evaluating such rights which ..

Hedge Accounting - What is allowed to be hedged?

  CA Anuj Agrawal    12 May 2017 at 11:11

Simple answer is to mitigate all expected losses or adverse effect on fair values of any balance sheet items (e.g. Investments etc) or an effect on Profit/Loss ..

Hedge Accounting - Risk Management 'Strategy' vs Risk Management 'Objectives'

  CA Anuj Agrawal    08 May 2017 at 10:39

Several of our readers requested to have clarity on Hedge Accounting, However it will indeed be a very long topic hence from now onwards, we will start taking t..

Principal Vs Agent - Revenue (Gross or Net?) as per Ind-AS/ IFRS

  CA Anuj Agrawal    21 April 2017 at 10:58

Many times Goods and Services are being sold/ rendered by using different kind of arrangements/ entities based on terms and conditions which could change Revenu..

Intangible Assets - Finite or Indefinite life?

  CA Anuj Agrawal    19 April 2017 at 11:23

Intangible Assets are being recognized when it falls under the category of an Asset which has no physical substance and it is a non-monetary item and having ide..

Take or Pay long term commodities contracts - Ind AS/ IFRS

  CA Anuj Agrawal    17 April 2017 at 11:27

There would be many instances where a long term commodity purchase or sale agreement are being entered between the parties where there is a quantity to be deliv..

Appointed date Vs. Acquisition date - Acquisition of Business per Ind AS

  CA Anuj Agrawal    11 April 2017 at 11:39

Acquisition of business is quite common in today's fast moving dynamics of the world and every such stakeholder of the entity would be interested to know all im..