Brief about Service tax Centralized Registration

CMA Ramesh Krishnan , Last updated: 19 October 2010  



Centralized service tax registration has been introduced by the Service tax department with effect from 1.4.2005 and the rules for Centralized registration has been made more simplified with effect from 2.11.2006. Even though the rule is in force more than 4 years now, still some of the assessees not clear about the centralized Service tax registration, here my self discussing brief about the procedure for applying Centralized registration.


  1. Person eligible for Centralized Registration:

As per the service tax rules, a person liable to pay service tax, provide or receive services more than one premises or offices and has centralized billing system or centralized accounting system, he may at his option  apply for centralized registration for the premises or offices where the centralized  billing or accounting system located.


  1. Application for Centralized Registration:

A person seeking Centralized registration under service tax, need to submit the duly filled ST-1 application form along with the complete list of documents to the Jurisdictional Deputy Commissioner/ Assistant Commissioner in whose charge the premises/offices to be centrally registered falls.


3. Granting authority of Centralized Registration:

After verification and checking of all the submitted documents the Centralized registration is granted by the commissioner or the chief commissioner of central excise or DG service tax, depending on the location of premises where centralized billing or accounting system is maintained or the place from where the taxable service is provided.


  1. Service tax payment & returns:

A person registered under Centralized registration scheme, can make the service tax payment and file the service tax return centrally in the premises/ office granted for centralized registration by the Department.

5. Records:

All the records related to the service tax has to be maintained centrally in the premises or office in which centrally registered.



The scheme of Service tax centralized registration is helpful to the service provider or the receiver those who are having business more than one premises and also having Centralized system of Accounting & billing, also it will help to reduce the burden of maintenance of records and details in different places.


Thank you.

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Published by

CMA Ramesh Krishnan
(Cost & Management Accountant)
Category Service Tax   Report

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