What is BOS Knowledge Portal by ICAI?

Aishna Kukreja , Last updated: 22 December 2020  


ICAI - BOS Knowledge Portal has released a New Code of Conduct for the Students of the Chartered Accountancy Course. To read the entire Code of Conduct, click here.


The Board of Studies Knowledge Portal is a one stop means for all the study content pertaining to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. All the publications of the ICAI including study material, practice material, revision test papers, suggested answers, supplementary study material, mock test papers, sample questions and previous attempts' question papers are available in the portal under the PDF format. In addition to this, the monthly Students' Journal – The Chartered Accountant Student can also be read on the portal. The BoS Knowledge Portal can be accessed at https://www.icai.org/new_post.html?post_id=5720&c_id=314

BOS Knowledge Portal - ICAI

Advantages of the BoS Knowledge Portal

1. A One Stop Shop

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India launched the BoS Knowledge Portal as an umbrella portal wherein all services related to the study content for CA can be accessed under one roof. Thus, this portal provides the students with the entire study content at the click of a button.

2. Access to the study content everywhere

The portal can be accessed from any part of the world thus, students can free themselves from the hassle of carrying a physical book and prepare for their exams at the convenience of their location.

3. Notifications regarding counselling sessions and schedules:

The BoS Knowledge Portal contains all information related to the upcoming counselling sessions and/or schedules of various seminars, mock papers etc. Thus, students no longer have to visit different web pages for different announcements. They can simply visit the portal and get information regarding the upcoming activities related to their profession.


How can you access various services available on the portal?

The Board of Studies Knowledge Portal has a number of services available on their portal. However, the most important service is the study content that is available to the students to prepare for their exams. The steps for accessing this service are:

Step 1: Visit the BoS Knowledge Portal at

Step 2: Select the course you are preparing for i.e. Foundation, Intermediate or Final, under the New/Old Scheme of Education and Training

Step 3: After selecting the course, you will be redirected to the page that contains all the information related to the course. This contains:

a. Syllabus of the course
b. Divisions of various papers under the course
c. Referencer for quick revisions
d. Suggested answers
e. Revision test papers
f. Summary of Examiner's Comments
g. Sample questions for assessment


Note - Divisions of various papers under the course: Students can choose among the various papers under the course and find all the study content related to that particular paper. This includes study material, questions for practice, revision test papers, mock test papers, question papers, suggested answers and referencer for quick revisions.

The Board of Studies Knowledge Portal has proven to be a boon to the students of CA as it offers a plethora of services under a single portal. Students will no longer have to access different content from different websites which will result in higher efficiency and effectiveness.

Also read about ICAI's Cloud Campus here

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Aishna Kukreja
Category Students   Report

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