Boring, robotic these are the words often used for a person who follows a strict discipline in life. Waking up and sleeping early, doing yoga, meditation, running, giving up on tea coffee junk food. But is discipline actually boring? This article is for those who find being disciplined as boring. In no case it is to belittle anyone.
A person who wakes up at 5 am and has to go to office at 9 am has 4 hours with him/her where he/she can work on himself/herself. Be it physical workout or reading good content or writing. I am in no way saying that those who wake up and sleep late are not good but most of the times our energies are drained when we reach home after office and we might not be able to work on ourselves.

Being disciplined is itself a challenge, it's not monotonous or boring. You are working on becoming a better version of yourself day in and day out. How can it be boring? Watching a rising sun, listening to the chirping of birds, being surrounded by positive energy by reading good content and learning new skills can never be boring.
We are living in an era of cutthroat competition where we have to be always fully fit mentally, emotionally and physically. Reading, workout and meditation will always give you an edge over those who dont take these things seriously. Our brain should be active in taking up new ideas and thoughts. Opportunities should be taken with both hands when they arrive. A disciplined lifestyle helps us to survive effectively in this competition.
When we read autobiographies or biographies of great personalities around the world we find out that they were not much different from others, but they were much more disciplined than others.
Yeah its fine to break this routine once a while, but it shouldn't be regular. Humans keep evolving so do the habits we maintain. So its better to have some good traits which help us in becoming a better version of ourselves.
We hold enormous potential and its always better to explore it and being disciplined eventually helps.
The author can also be reached on twitter at caanuragwriter