Being Chartered

CA Sourabh Agarwal , Last updated: 16 August 2011  

Hi to all my friends…

First of all my heartiest congratulation to all those passing in May’11 attempt; those who cleared PCC/IPCC, don’t stop, you have a huge task ahead. And other becoming CA’s you have done a mind blowing job. Now it’s time to shine in your professional life.

We all know that this attempt has been a history. 13000 CA’s in a single attempt. Although ICAI has been lenient this time but it is not always and all those who are thinking that CA has become easy may be misguided. Again I want to tell you that these are my personal views and please don’t generalize it.

I won’t be talking about exams as there are already lots of article on this. Friends I don’t know how many of you have given it a thought to it but it’s true. Life is easy if we think so and it is worst if try to understand it. Live all those moments that comes around you to the fullest because who knows future. CA is field of PASSION, DEDICATION and HARDWORK. We instead of giving 100% to the course waste half of our time cursing the syllabus and examination pattern.

Answer a single question that if this course has been so easy then why it has such a great repute and honor. People say that we are wasting our life here; we have no college life, no hangouts in the evening. Instead we have a bunch of files and a packet of pens. But the fact is that the security this course gives you is not assured anywhere else generally.

We people owe the responsibility towards society, the whole commerce industry looks upon us. We have so much of reservations in each and every act relating to commerce industry that if one wants, he/she has all gates open to success. Having such a great reputation, if you guys want that ICAI has been cruel upon students; then might be required to re consider your opinion.

Instead of studying hard we want that everything become easy and later on we shall see a CA in every home. Have you ever listened about a person having a degree of CA and without any work? I haven’t yet. And I wish I shall never.

If all you had to do was wish for something and you would have it, life would be pretty boring, wouldn't it? God placed barriers between us and what we want, so we can enjoy interesting and satisfying lives. God hid our biggest rewards behind the highest barriers - our deepest fears. God wants us to face our fears, and hold ground in their presence, and let them go, and that's how we get out biggest rewards. What are you most afraid of? Say it, just start by saying it.

As far as result is concerned this was an extraordinary result and many of those passed also know this that how much they deserved and how much they got. Many deserving candidates were not able to clear but instead of mourning we must try again. We must always remember that CA is a field of perfection, if this word exists. At the end of the day only the person with real knowledge will succeed and others will be others.

Our preparation depends upon our perception. We see that there is only a 2.5 months left but we don’t see those 80 days comprising of 2.5 months and to go deeper atleast 12 hours daily. It might not be enough for those who are at initial stages but it is surely sufficient for those who are at middle of the syllabus. Friends if you are thinking that by delaying the attempt you are sure to succeed then you need to reconsider it. You may be wrong somewhere. We all know about ICAI and its results. An odd good attempt is not enough to sure that this will happen all over again and again.

Again we all think if we fail but tell me if we pass or still able to get an exemption in a subject or two. How much of pressure it would reduce from our self for next trial. We could prepare for an exemption in a subject or two in these 80 days. But the fact is how many of us try to dream.

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Published by

CA Sourabh Agarwal
(Chartered Accountant)
Category Students   Report

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