Attitude Determines Your Altitude

Shivanand Pandit , Last updated: 09 April 2014  

It has been said over years that "Your attitude will determine your altitude in life." Attitude is the little thing that makes a big difference. Our attitude whether in business, sport, relationships and in life, will discover the altitude or the heights we achieve. Our attitude will determine the course of our life, the journey or expedition we travel on and the results we crop at the end of the journey. Our attitude developed through imitation right from the womb or assimilated from friends, families, colleagues, idols, environments, work place and many other ways will determine our victory and magnitude in life. Attitudes are the established ways of responding to people and situations that we have learned, based on the beliefs, values, ethics, scruples and conventions we hold. Attitudes become noticeable through our behaviour or comportment. Attitude is a way of life.

The right temperament towards people around us in words or deeds is necessary to having a vigorous and well balanced affiliation or relationship. We can uncover the outcome of a relationship from the beginning when the right tone is set. That tone is our Attitude. It is our attitude, not our aptitude, determines our altitude.

Attitude determining our altitude is not a new concept. Marcus Aurelius, the great philosopher and 16th Emperor of the Roman Empire, put it simply: “our life is what our thoughts make it.” Thomas Edison the American inventor, scientist and businessman said, “nearly every man who develops an idea works at it up to the point where it looks impossible, and then gets discouraged. That is not the place to become discouraged.” 

Airplanes have instruments called attitude indicators. These instruments measure the position of the aircraft in relation to the horizon. When a plane is climbing it has a nose high attitude and when it is descending it has a nose down attitude. Pilots keep close watch on the attitude indicator, because they know it helps to determine the altitude of the plane. If they wish to change the altitude of the plane they must adjust the attitude. The success we find each day is deeply influenced by the attitude we have about life. We can choose to go through life with a nose down attitude and see nothing but the ground or we can go through life with a nose up attitude and continually see the stars. We cannot control all the things that impact our lives, but we do have responsibility for the attitude we have as a result of them.

 Attitude Jumpstarts the Day

Getting a leg up on the day is something that everyone can relate to. Whether it is the bubbly excitement of looking forward to a pleasurable activity or spending some quality time with loved ones or friends, that little smile that we find ourselves waking up with helps us to jumpstart our day. The only difference between a good day and a bad day is our attitude.

Attitude Motivates

If we are down in the dumps because we consider ourselves ill-prepared or not worthy of success, our attitude will obviously reflect this. If, on the other hand, if we take the time to learn how to re-program our thoughts so that we welcome the day ahead, this slight change in our outlook can reap incredible rewards.

Attitude Inspires

It is often said that nothing succeeds like success and when it comes to doing the hard work of recovery, the more successes we chalk up, the more inspired we are to do more. When we are feeling good about ourselves and projecting healthy attitude toward others, positive results are likely to ensue.

Attitude Affects Others

Our attitude has quite a bit of effect on others. While we may not even realize it, if we portray a sour posture in our everyday dealings with others, they cannot help but notice and may very well change the way they interact with us as a result.


Attitude Really Matters

Suppose things do not go as planned or we suffer a setback, either minor or major, the kind of attitude we have as we face these situations makes a tremendous difference in our ability to push forward, to get past the obstacle or roadblock or tense situation and continue to make progress in our recovery.

Attitude affects Time Management

With improved focus and better-decision making abilities, we will be more organised all round. This will help us to get more done in less time and then have extra time for ourselves and for our loved ones.

Attitude promotes Self-confidence

Having self-confidence means that we have faith in our capacities. It is also means we are much more likely to be trustworthy and happy being who we are, not trying to be somebody else. Affirmative attitude promotes self-confidence. If we don't have self-confidence, we will never accomplish our true potential. People with healthy levels of self-confidence lead merrier and fitter lives. If we have a positive disposition we can anticipate a happier life, laughter, good health and financial success.

Attitude Paves the Way to Victory

Our attitude is one of the key factors in helping make our dreams and goals a reality. Negative attitude gets in the way of success and happiness. Positive thinkers focus more on what can go right rather than what can go wrong and cultivate a feeling of success. A positive attitude improves the ability to bounce back from challenges in life and helps us better cope with whatever life throws our way. We will not become an optimist overnight, but it is worth the effort as it results in improved health, longer life expectancy and progressed levels of contentedness.

Attitude attracts Good things

When people live positively, they are able to attract positive people and more positive events in their life. Also, when a person is optimistic and positive, people want to be around them.

Attitude affects Health

Our thinking directly affects our body and how it functions. When we replace negative thoughts with calmness or tranquillity, and substitute confidence and peacefulness for resentment, anxiety, umbrage and worry, our wellbeing automatically improves. When we develop a positive attitude and maintain it, we are less likely to be stressed about life.

Attitude affects Decision-making process

Optimists are better decision makers. Clear and rational thinking prevents us from making clouded judgments, foolish decisions or doing things that we will regret or remorse later. When we start using our mind in a serene and controlled manner, we also make decisions faster.

As a final point, a winning attitude is not about putting an fictitious face on unsatisfactory results nor is a matter of changing a difficult reality by approaching it solely with a sunny mood. Rather, it is about focus, self-confidence and commitment to give each day – and each challenge – the best effort and to touch others positively in doing so. When we know that success is a matter of influencing others to lead, we appreciate more than ever before the simple notion that a positive attitude even in the most challenging times and situations is not only good for the individual, but interpersonal and cultural sustenance or nourishment for the entire team. Attitude determines how much of the future we are allowed to see. It decides the size of our dreams and influences our willpower when we are faced with new challenges. No other person on earth has dominion over our attitude. People can affect our attitude by teaching us poor thinking habits or unintentionally misinforming us or providing us with negative sources of influence, but no one can control our attitude unless we willingly surrender that control. Having the right attitude is one of the basics that success requires. The combination of a sound personal philosophy and a positive attitude about ourselves and the world around us gives us an inner strength and a firm resolve that influences all the other areas of our existence. Our attitude is an asset, a treasure of great value, which must be protected accordingly. We should be beware of the vandals and thieves among us who would injure our positive attitude or seek to steal it away. As Albert Einstein rightly said “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.”

Bottom Line: Attitude Matters…..


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Shivanand Pandit
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