Tips on better writing

Karishma , Last updated: 02 September 2015  

This is my first article of the forum, so it was only appropriate that I should start by writing about writing.

It’s a very useful hobby for a CA to have cause we write so much everyday even without realizing it. Composing mails/ writing case laws/ taking notes. Even non-professionally it’s quite helpful.

The easiest way to know yourself better is by writing. It’s liberating, it gets your brain working and it’s one of the best hobbies you can cultivate for self improvement. Following are some tried and tested tips to get a little better everyday at writing:

1. Read: No surprises here. The more you read, the better you get. Don’t restrict yourself to only curriculum related books. If you only read what everybody else is reading, you will only think what everybody else is thinking. Be versatile. Read philosophy, psychology, finance, economics, science, whatever feels like a gripping read.

2. Integrate it into your lifestyle: When was the last time you wrote a personalized message for someone on festivals/ birthdays etc.? WhatsApp forwards suck the creativity out of you and no, absolutely no one has the time to read forwarded messages on special occasions. Make an effort, let the creative juices flow and the best part – you will succeed in making someone smile.

3. Start by writing about something you love: Write about what you genuinely care about. The easiest way to convert any tedious activity into fun is by combining it with something that you enjoy. If you love cricket, write about what you think of the India vs. SL series, if you love watching movies, write a review of the latest movie you watched. And no points for guessing, I chose this topic because I love to write!

4. Build your vocabulary: Using technical jargons just to show how much you know is silly and pretentious but it doesn’t hurt to learn what would be a better way to articulate what you think. There are many good websites where you can learn a new word everyday and it will also help you get better at point no. 1

5. Write, A LOT: That’s the easiest way to get better at writing. Stop thinking about whether you are good or bad at it. It’s only after you start writing consistently will you get better at it.

Please share your tips! Happy writing! :)

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