What to do after Exams?

SANYAM ARORA , Last updated: 29 November 2014  

Greetings  of  the  day  to  all  the  members of  CCI  Family.

Now as the exams have been finished, question is what to do next?

We can see two categories of students –

- Both Groups

- Given Single Group

Through this post I would like to share some points which both categories of students can do to utilize the time in an optimum manner.

So let’s start with it:

Both Groups (Including whose 1 group have been cleared and have given second in Nov 14)

Visit the following sites to have better understanding of the practical life:




Look for the following in the above sites:

a. How to file Returns i.e. income tax, Service tax, Excise, etc.

b. How to apply for PAN

c. Various form i.e. 26AS, TDS Forms, etc.

d. Various tie ups with other countries

Update yourself with:




a. Look for the videos on YouTube regarding formulas on M.S EXCEL, OFFICE, ETC.

b. Consider yourself as a CA WHILE DOING above.

c. Make a dummy company and prepare balance sheets, Excel sheets etc.

Demand of the Industry –

At this point, you are a product but you need to work out as to whether you are worth buying product. Try to update yourself for present day industry needs because yours examination may provide you the degree and a brand but not necessarily the encashment to such a degree and a brand. Visit www.icaitv.com and cmii.icai.org to get a flair of Industry expectations from you (Courtesy for this point Kamal Garg Sir)

Students who have given just 1 group –

a. If you are very sure that you would clear the group in this attempt itself, then make a study plan and start your preparations from December itself.

b. Collect all the amendments applicable for May 15 examinations.

c. Who are not sure about the exams I would recommend to at least complete the second group before the results so that they are in a suitable position of attempting both Groups in May 15.

d. Don’t wait for the results start your preparations from immediate effect otherwise it will leave a retrospective effect. 

Other points –

a. Students who have given both groups may start looking for job who are done with their article ship. (Opinion may differ)

b. Work on your vocabulary as well spoken English.

c, And that’s it.

P.S: Many of you may find it silly as these are very general recommendations but as per me these if followed can change your life.

All the very best for results.

About the Writer –

CA Final Student (Gave Nov 14)

CIMA Management Level

B.Com (P)

For any further help writer can be contacted at sanyam.arora27@gmail.com    

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(“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.”)
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29 December 2014 Nivedita

valuable suggestions.........did the same.....

20 December 2014 Jagan ravi

I thank you from my bottom of my heart.much useful!

18 December 2014 neha jain

Not silly at all... Really a gud article:-)

17 December 2014 Hardik Wala

Hello sir , Give me the study tips for prapering both the grup of ipcc. & I wnt to clear in first attempt so I wnt effective tips for study

07 December 2014 CA Mangala H

Thank you for valuable suggestions

05 December 2014 Kasang James

Thanks for the ideas! It is helpful

05 December 2014 CA Himali Gajjar

Very normal but must do activities....nice article:)

02 December 2014 Mahendhar Puppala

Thank you

01 December 2014 Mehul

Best advice ever Good 1 sirji...

01 December 2014 Raghu

Very useful article ...

01 December 2014 Harmeet singh

Thank u very much... for such a nice article..

01 December 2014 Anshdha Rathore

Very nice article indeed

01 December 2014 Ayush jain

These are essential recommendations of Practical Life good article

01 December 2014 vinay mehta

Sir plzzz give guidance what to do after cs exam???

01 December 2014 Saritha

Great suggestion. Thank u so much!

01 December 2014 shaikh salim

Good suggestion

01 December 2014 Anil Vaishnav

Thanks. Great Suggestion.

01 December 2014 Jaydeepsinh C. Gohil

Useful info.

01 December 2014 Anita

Very useful

01 December 2014 Anuj Jaiswal

Good sharing...

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