The final wake up call for May 2012 aspirants

Tony John , Last updated: 03 March 2012  

Hardly two months are left for the May 2012 exams. May be this won't bother many. But when I say its barely 50 days to go for the exams, the scenario changes.

I consider the fact that we have entered into March as the 'final wake up call' for all those students who haven't taken things up seriously or who haven't taken things up the way they ought to be taken up.

All those who have cleared their first group exams last time should never feel complacent of the fact that they were victorious last time. They need to follow the same strategy that they successfully executed previously so that they can ensure success this time also.

On the other hand, students who couldn't make it in the last exam need not feel disappointed with their poor show, but rather they need to put in extra efforts, now that they know their grey areas. Making a good plan and executing it reasonably well is very essential. Now given the fact that barely two months are left, plans need to be crafted accordingly.

Theory papers may need more time for revision, so find more time to look them. What comes to my  mind right now is what the CA Final topper of May 2011 exams said.She said that she found time to revise a bit of all subjects EVERYDAY. And the efforts paid off well, and we know it too.  

Everyday before we start to study, it would be good if we make a small prayer. This would bring peace to our minds and we definitely would be able to grasp things quickly.

Always keep saying to yourself that You are going to pass this time. Self belief and self confidence are big boosters. They undoubtedly are going to give you the much needed push in your studies.

Before I end, let me quote Lincoln's inspiring words :

"That many achieve success is proof that we too can succeed"

Wishing all the very best in the upcoming exams.

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Published by

Tony John
(Chartered Accountant)
Category Students   Report

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