Are you afraid of failure? Yes! No!

CA CS CIMA Prakash Somani , Last updated: 24 May 2014  

Are you afraid of failure? Yes! No! there cannot be any other answer to it. Those who think negatively in their life often come across difficulties because they themselves make things difficult for them by looking difficulties in everything they do. If you change your mentality a bit then you will become successful and garner more and more confidence in yourself.

Have you ever thought about yourself? Yes! No! there could be no other answer to this as well. If you think that you don’t know about something, then you are lying. Talk to yourself and you will get answer which you feel you don’t know. I personally take my inspiration from Mr. Tata. Once upon a time he was also like me, like us… a common simple man who had no idea of where he/she will be tomorrow. If you just take some guidance from that person, if you follow few quotes of that person, you are done with your life. Your positive life starts with your positive thoughts.

You at times might feel like that the place where you stays are not good to grow you further. If you feel like that then change your horizon. It’s really important for one to keep growing and look out for more space physically and professionally. Ask for more space!!! Opps.. DON’T ASK rather create more space for yourself and once you start getting more and more from outer world, it will become your habit and eventually everything will seems to be easy to you.

“Failure is just a word and not world”. Somebody is correctly said “You are what you do” and there is a extreme truth behind saying this. If you don’t believe just see the people you are surrounded by and you will see that the way they reacts, they becomes.

Your behavior decides your personality and your personality creates your image in others mind. Try to create your best image so that people remember you for your good and not bad. Don’t take easy routes rather make your path easy and create a history. “Make way for others don’t come in way of others”. If you perceive the world as is it will not make a difference for people as lot of us perceive it as is. They don’t care to put efforts to change it for better. You take a lead and leave your mark. If there is rebirth then you will surely come to place where you have left your mark of your previous birth and you will feel a sense of proud in you.

Lastly, remember one thing always that there is bigger and better person then you but they are not meant to remain bigger and better so learn from your own mistakes and

Take a lead. Bring a change and lead the world in your own way. “Some things happen at its own but some things demands efforts and courage so take that courage, be confident, true to yourself, keep doing your best efforts thinking that it’s not your best yet.

“Your efforts will pay you back, if not today then tomorrow for sure”

CA CS Prakash Somani

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CA CS CIMA Prakash Somani
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