Are we on the right path in our CA course?

CA. CS. Abhay Sharma , Last updated: 27 August 2019  

In this era of technology, where all the communications are going fast, and our lives are getting more active on social media than actual. Now there are lots of distractions coming along the way of studies for every student. Majority of the population of our country is young, and it is now essential that we head our lives and aspirations in the right direction or else we would be leading to a mass disaster by wasting our time on unnecessary activities. This article would provide you with a quick insight, especially for CA Students, about where we should focus on the primary purpose of life. Our profession is demanding perfection, days are changing and hard work today is required to have a better tomorrow.


Motivation acts as the key to success, but in today’s time we are acting upon borrowed motivation. Borrowed motivation means that when we hear something or someone gives us excellent speech or watch a video of some motivational speaker. That very moment we are motivated, we have all plans to work hard, let it be planning, books, an outlook of future at that very moment. Then after a few days, it is gone.

Are we on the right path in our CA course

“There should not be borrowed motivation, we should be self-motivated.”

Yes, the motivation is gone. Try to remember when someone had given tips on how to study for exams, how many of them did you remember, and how many you implemented till your exam? The answer would be best known to you my friends than me. After listening to some fiery speech, you delete social messaging app today, and again tomorrow you are spending hours altogether on that very same app. Have you wondered why this is happening? It is happening because you are not SELF Motivated. You are motivated for a limited time, which is being borrowed from the source. You should be very clear with your goals in life, and that intent to achieve it should come from within you every second, and trust me that cannot be entirely inspired by anyone. To have Self Motivation, you need to ask these three simple questions to yourself before going to bed.

1. Where do you want to see yourself?
2. Have you worked throughout the day enough to progress towards your goal?
3. What if you won't achieve goals?

If the answer to these questions is negative, it means that you have not given your 100%. The fear of not achieving goals would motivate you, that fear would make you work, and finally, you will achieve it. And always remember when anyone tries to derails from the track by telling you to “Enjoy now and work hard later”, ignore his advice and you keep on doing your hard work towards the achievement of your goal. That fire in your belly would help you.


It’s a common phenomenon that we are present somewhere, and our mind is somewhere else. You are watching a fantastic movie, and you are thinking about your study or you are studying and thinking about the beautiful movie. Under both the circumstances you are not doing any justice to either of them. This is lack of focus. Just sitting with the books for hours will not help you anywhere; it is about diving deep into the topics that you are studying. It is about being concentrated and focus on the study that we are doing. It is always advisable to have a short span of leisure time to stay motivated. As the grand old saying says that “All work no play makes Jack Dumb”. Hence allocate yourself a proper time to have the right amount of leisure. A student should also be engrossed in morning walks or pranayama or any exercise as that would result in the right amount of positivity and blood circulation, which would ultimately help him in studies.


CA Course requires you to not only study but also have a practical exposure as you all know when you are appearing for Inter the necessary level of knowledge is “Working” and at the time of Finals it is “Expert”. You cannot be an expert without working and putting extra efforts. Whether it is articleship or study you should put certain extra efforts for study and as well as during the articleship. Based on the little experience I have, I feel that until and unless you push your limits and come out of your comfort zone, you would not be able to create any significant change in your lifestyle. As a student you should be receptive to new things and should try to learn and innovate as much as possible. Always remember smart work is appreciated in today’s time more than hard work. Many of you would be wondering which kind of firm you should opt for articleship. Certain articles want small firm while some of them want to go to a big firm. There can be divided opinion regarding strength and weakness of each category. But I feel that every article should join a growing firm and when it comes to working the attitude should give your 100% then, and then any firm let it be you would progress.

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Published by

CA. CS. Abhay Sharma
(Partner at Abhay M Sharma & Co)
Category Students   Report

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