Dear CS, CA and CWA Students,
Last week one of caclub member has asked me this question---Is Scanner enough for CS or CA preparation or do we need to put some extra efforts to ensure success?
My reply to this question was simple and straight. According to me Scanner plays an important role in CA or CS Exams. But 100% dependency on Scanner is not advisable. Simply because there is no need to do so. Our Institute Study Material is full of various exam oriented topics and a sound understanding or reading of these topics is very much advisable for enhanced exam confidence.
So as per my advice never stop or restrict your preparation to Scanner. Always add something extra to your study or knowledge apart from Scanner or previously asked exam questions.
Here we must understand that preparation based on Scanner is just another name of selective study which is not advisable in every situation especially when you have ample time for exam preparation. Selective study is not advisable for long term professional success.
However if you are doing job or for some other unavoidable reasons you have less time to prepare for exams then you may go for selective study through Scanner and suggested answers issued by the respective institutes.
Through this brief write up an attempt has been made to through some light on the above mentioned aspect of exam preparation. I?m sincerely hoping that through this write up some constructive conclusion would come for aspiring professional course students.
Please note and observe this advice carefully?.
As we all know that in CS, CA or other similar professional exams Scanner is one of the most vital tool to succeed. So it is advisable to complete your Scanner as early as possible. For this purpose it is advisable to take the help of Institute suggested answers of previous exams. Further there days solved Scanners are also available.
After gaining desired confidence about frequently asked questions in exam do not need to sit idle or feel relaxed. It is very much advisable to add some more topics from Institute Study Material which is easy and manageable. These additional topics will give you more idea about other topic or chapters and enhance your confidence automatically.
This confidence shall include ---- The feeling that you have prepared something extra and relevant apart from Scanner. As we all know that in the exam hall a small hint about the unknown question is enough to attempt that question. So avoid complete ignorance about any topic. Give a cool reading to some extra topics, which as per your own observation are easy and useful for exams.
As time is less so additional topics should be selected carefully. One of the essential conditions to prepare extra topics is that you have completed your Scanner. According to me few basic points of selection are:
1. As per your own estimation topic should be relevant for exam.
2. Topic should be easy to retain in short span of time and not a complex one.
3. Topic should be connected to your earlier preparation or topic and must be capable to maintain some sort of connectivity with other prepared topics.
4. Topic should be less time consuming as far as length and preparation is concerned.
Would request you to give this advice a try and prepare as much extra topics as possible for enhanced exam confidence. Sincerely hope that you find this suggestion useful.
If you find the above write up useful kindly share your thoughts/guidance.
Best Regards
Ankur Garg