A Successful Career With Liaison

CA SURENDRA KUMAR RAKHECHA , Last updated: 07 January 2011  

Many students with good qualifications find very difficult to have a successful career.

Generally this happens when they are declared successful but soon after they realize that only qualification is not enough to have a bright career.

Then they approach certain persons who can approach for them with some prospective employers.  Similar approach they have to resort if they wish to establish their practice. 

During professional examinations like CA; students tend to study too much but find difficult to attend various seminars hence unable to meet the most successful persons in the profession. 

If they can manage to attend such seminars then still they find difficult  to present their own papers if such opportunity is available. Majority  of students lack confidence and for this reason they prefer to sit with  the audience.

At such seminars, if they apply their mind towards the professional topics; then not  only they will be full of confidence to appear in the exams but they will also ensure a very good career. 

It is true that for having a good job in a company; percentage of marks are important at first glance. But true valuation of the candidates is made when they appear for the interview before the prospective employers.

Here these candidates have some unknown fear what will happen if they would not be able to answer the questions.

And surprisingly; this behaviour is easily caught by the prospective employers that the candidates don't have confidence. In such cases; how they will handle the practical problems of business ? The result is -  they are not selected !

If you already know something about the persons who are likely to take interview then you will feel easy. For this the students should try hard to establish their own identity during their training itself.

In some government offices; it is experienced that some employees don't do anything except to make liaison with other employees and officers. 

Officers generally sit in the cabin and don't know what is happening in and around the office premises.  Such persons give them information and remain in the good list of officers (Example : Neera Radia).

Similar is the situation here with the professionals. If they have good repo  with the government officers etc. then they would be able to solve  their matters easily with them. 

Some CA, qualified with 4-5 attempts,  establish their practice easily just because  they have good liaison with many persons. 

They attend almost all the functions whether it is related to family or the profession. (This way they enjoy life also).


The roots of liaison are in Friendship !  

Meet various officers  during your young age and they will be happy to have dialogue with young persons.

 Just ask  them about their experience as officers.  If individually one doesn't dare to meet them; meet them in a group in their  offices. 

( This article is also one part of my liaison with the readers). 

CA Surendra Kumar Rakhecha 

Career Consultant 

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(Practising CA at Surat)
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