A loop hole for giants (FlipKart, Amazon & Snapdeal - A New Study)

Paras mehra , Last updated: 28 January 2015  

Three days ago, the big giants like flipkart, Amazon received a serious threat from the Maharashtra Government itself. Some leaders of Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) which is an economic policy front of RSS had met the Finance minister Arun Jaitley and sought a ban on ecommerce portals as they are killing the domestic business.

This was in the news, however somewhere, it is true that the e commerce giants like flipkart, amazon etc. are really affecting the domestic businesses. Many of us, assumes that these giants actually uses the loopholes in the laws and leveraging the Indian markets. Let us understand the actual concept behind this, the idea, the revenue, the peak and the downfall. Through the present of these companies is all time high, but the future is really in the dark. Lets us have a look:

Evolution of the idea

Traditionally, when businesses were not able to sell their products, offers discounts to increase their sales, however businesses were never happy to offer the discounts because it not only sometimes reduces the profit, but also results in losses. Discounts were basically the tool to clear the piled stocks. However, in the modern age, some business thought that if the sales really increases in the discounting period, then why not give discount every time and why not leverage the increase sales every time. And that’s how, the discount based model of business came into picture and since, the market is always a price sensitive, then it was a fact that these businesses will attract the customers. They adopted the discounts based models and created a online market place, where anyone can come but the last price will be controlled by the market place by offering discounts and other schemes.  

The High Engine Growth

After the evolution of this idea, the traditional cycle gets punctured and this new means of doing business is creating havoc in the Indian markets. With 70,000 crores valuation, flipkart is actually leading at all fronts. Flipkart was doing aggressive marketing, the one day delivery, high discount offering and many more. At the same time, the Amazon, snap deals were also keeping high. Revenues of all these companies are launching, reaching the billions of dollars, and their commission income was also very high. Let us look at their real incomes.

As per the table, flipkart is leading with 179 crores, next is amazon with 168.9 crores and then is snap deal with 154.11 crores. These figures reflect that the battle for the top is really hard and it also suggest that the spending on the discounts will increase to remain on the top and to be in business. 

The unfold trap – the biggest threat

Everything looks good when we see these above figures, the valuation, the publicity or anything except when we look at the audited balance sheets of them. The most interesting fact about these giants is that no one has tasted the profits yet. And surprisingly, the company which is on the top at the revenue table, is also top at the losses table. Flip kart is having a loss of 400 crores, second is amazon at 321.3 crores and at last is snap deal with 264.6 crores.

Now, let us analyze these figures, the reason of these big losses, despite having hefty net revenue, is the discount which attracts the customer. The main component of the losses is actually due to discounts and advertising expenses. Flipkart offers it the most and that’s why its losses are the maximum. But the main problem is that flipkart, despiting knowing of this fact, cannot do anything because this is what their business model is is all about. If they had to be on the top, then they have to offer much discount to let their prices less in comparison to other competitors.

Due to this trap, these companies creates a deficit between the revenue and expenses and which ultimately met by the VC’s funds.

Other problems

Besides these traps, the government is now also in a mood to regulate these e commerce portals. In India, FDI in multi retail is banned, however, these companies are actually doing that online and this is actually a loop hole in the law but it is never that intention of the government and therefore, it will expected that in the next budget, the life cycle for e commerce players will get tougher and tougher. 

The Dark Future

With all the pros and cons of these e commerce giants, it looks like the future is very dark. Despite having the high valuation, no business can survive on losses. There will be an end. The discount based model will have to discontinued, otherwise, the stakeholders in future may face a dot comm. Bubble once again.

The Survival

Now, the question is how long will this system survive? Not too long. Actually this battle between the e commerce portals has become a war of funds. Since, the deficit is actually borne by the VC funds, therefore, larger the pool of funds, the longer they will survive.

Author is CA Paras Mehra, a Practicing Chartered Accountant and also a co founder of www.Quickcompany.in, a leading website for registering companies and providing single solutions to start ups for all their legal needs in India

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Paras mehra
(Chartered Accountant)
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18 July 2015 Neeraj Sharma

No doubt They are affecting the business of domestic vendors

06 February 2015 Adi

Well said. This is not the model globally but because indian ecom players have made buyers addicted with discounts they will never be profitable. This is happening only with indian e commerce marker. And once the discount model ends they will have to shut shop because nobody will be interested in taking risk and buy online.

03 February 2015 Bhavin

It should've been a Bar Graph.

30 January 2015 Manu Prashanth

I think we should also look into the fact that, there are many small business that are benefited through this big retail portals, for instance we can see that these portals take stock from small shops an the product is actually supplied by these shops through Flipkart an all. But i feel that the dis advantage arrives when the big picture is considered. Instead of banning these portals we can instead bring reforms in these portals itself, because this is the future of market. Thanks

29 January 2015 Paras mehra

Dear M.S. Kumar, i will be writing soon. Thanks

29 January 2015 Mudala Srinivas Kumar

Dear Paras Besides the longitivity of these fly by night on-line business, no one has seriously given clarification as far as taxation(especially) VAT. Can you please explain Indirect Taxation aspects (VAT) for these on-line operators. Regards M.S.Kumar

29 January 2015 Abhilash V

Even though small companies is making profit, what about these big giants. How long will the VC funds. To make profit they need to keep margin at that time customers will buy product who offers at less price. I think its not survival of fittest but those who provide at lowest will survive after keeping margin i feel.

29 January 2015 Sudhanshu Bhasin

I think the author is not using a very supportive text to explain the all true reasons Reason of E-commerce penetration to T-2, T-3 cities is not used These cities population benefit a lot from value offered by e-commerce companies In fact many small ecommerce companies are making profits but due to heavy funding of VC's the bigger ones are into the limelight Again: it is the consumer who is benefiting and longer the VC's fund the longer consumer will benefit The rule of law says : Profit must be there -- Yes true ---- So we have Business Rule of SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST which lies true for businesses in E-commerce, IT, Mining, Oil The rule is everywhere, therefore I fully disagree with author making such a comment on e-commerce business Let the innovations make there way - India needs innovations and not novelist Sorry if any one felt bad :)

29 January 2015 Abhilash V

These companies are continuously incurring losses, are they trying to be monopolistic in India. If that is the game I think it wont work in India as Indians buy the products who gives at the cheapest rate. If they are trying to create market and later to do profits then I buy believe its difficult task in India. They are just doing rotation of cash but incurring losses. Some day in future these companies will become bankrupt if there is no cash inflow from VC. If VC does not invest further then what about the vendors to these companies. Ultimately the customers purchasing the products are the gainers. Please comment

29 January 2015 Monika

If these co. bear so much loses than there profit ,so why they do bussiness.???

28 January 2015 Apurva Parikh

I wanted to know business model of these companies and ur article litreally explained it. Thank you for such insight!

28 January 2015 Nisha Sharma

no business model is meant in such a way that it does not end up in attaining profits. There can be no doubt tht these companies might definitely have a profit plan in their mind and that's why they are surviving till now.

28 January 2015 ajay pawar

I believe there are lot's of issues involved with these ecommerce octroi , vat, excise other duties , threat of payment through cards, products defects, also finally power of consumers to buy ??? finally brands they sale and warranty , consumers follow up , quality lot many things. very correct with these company you can see a first company who started e-commerce in India is last in this race. I believe buying online is not a bad idea but it's depend on need and urgency or time etc.

28 January 2015 CA Reetu Bhandari

untill the specific regulation on e commerce comes out, we cannot really say that they have a dark future..they have suffered losses but we should know tht these are the giant companies as on today which are very wel aware of the fact that in order to have huge profits in coming years they have to build a value of theirs now.. apart from this, the VC funds they get are from those who are risk takers, they fund these company after a thorough analysis.. so it is not exactly right to believe that its future is dark..it is my personal opinion on the basis of everyday news i read.

28 January 2015 Pranav

Great Article sir..

28 January 2015 NARENDRA

but I'm not understand with this why do they continuing there business still after knowing that they are in huge losses. how do the retail markets will effected?

28 January 2015 Paras mehra

VC means Venture Capitalist,

28 January 2015 NARENDRA

vc funds mean

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