"Hey, I have completed all big chapters. What about You?" I am sure everyone might have heard this on phone from their respective friends. Pressures in blood!!
Why to discuss anything yaar? Why to have a reconciliation of completion of syllabus between yours and your friend's??
Why to have an imagination of marks in paper? Why there is a need to solve the paper as soon as it gets completed?
Will it make any difference in your result if you have written the answer whole wrong or whole right?
In my school time, we have been instructed to crush the question paper after completion of it!!! As to some people it gets affected badly. They cannot concentrate for next one. Already for any student the day before an exam is horrible/scary. Then why to get more pressure by pushing ourself towards imaginative/visionary results/marks?!!
I liked some of my friend's idea. One of my friends was used to take a nap before an hour of exam as she told me that your sub conscious mind knows everything, it needs rest to recall everything before you perform anything. Another one was used to throw the book before an hour to overcome the pressure.
Here I am not writing anything like tips and all about how to do preparation before a day or anything like that. As I firmly believe that everyone have their own strategy and thoughts and no need to take last time advice from anyone.
The exam days are more important for preparation apart from your normal study and revision. But, much necessary thing is to how to behave and what not to do at that time!!
The pressure, anxiety, wrong thinking, wrong advice can destroy your whole preparation. On the other hand positivity and self-control (not self confidence!!) can change the whole scenario.
Be selfish!!!!! Do not receive any phone calls. Do not be a doubt solver. These all are the personal experiences and bad experiences. Now, what to do if myself has a doubt? Try to solve it at yourself. That thought process might not solve your doubt, but will be useful in giving the answer for sure.
Losing calculator at exam hall, mobile phone got drunk in water bottle, etc. were some of funny but distracting experiences during my exams.
Our elders/seniors/parents are always worried and ready to advise us we do not like their so called advices to not to forget admit cards, calculators, stationery and all. Friends, it is necessary to listen as sometimes it can make a big difference.
Revision of whole syllabus is next to impossible for a CA Syllabus if we go line by line. Must have a smart and to the point revisionary notes. If we continuously get worried about our syllabus completion, paper, marks then we cannot enjoy the reading.
Consider the exam as one festival (which comes to spoil/destroy other festivals!!) and enjoy it. No need to create serious environment around yourself. Take it as softly as possible.
This is not written as an advisory purpose but some facts and things might be useful to someone. Take proper mental rest by listening favourite song before going to give a paper was my favourite thing to do.
Take rest, eat healthy food, use glucose water instead of normal water, keep necessary stationery, try to reach earlier at exam centre to avoid last time tension are some of the tips.
As a day before and after a paper is like a night before a dream could be achieved, we should avoid all things which create negative vibes around us.
Thank You Nimmish, Muhammad n study lover..As far as it is useful to someone, I will keep writing