A clear vision - If CA is a regular course

Shreya Garg , Last updated: 08 November 2014  

Chartered Accountancy is one of the most reputed and powerful courses for it offers a place in the best areas and increases the self worth and self potential. C.A. as it is abbreviated, unfortunately is not a regular course. Students wanting to pursue C.A. after clearing their school find it immensely difficult to carry on with this decision and for some, their dream.


First of all, many aspirants do a regular course like BA and BBA, and C.A. is a demanding course, but students find it difficult to balance between the two. C.A. requires a focused pattern of studying, undivided attention and lots of hard work. Making C.A. as an integrated course with like BBA-LLB would help many students. Adoption of a regular course would entail not only regularity, certainty and confidence about the outcome of their strenuous labour but also avoid frustration emerging out of uncertain future. An Integrated Course According to the provisions regarding the Chartered Accountancy Act, the constitution has specified it to be a self studying course.

Being a C.A. student myself, self study is nowhere sufficient for a student as it involves technical guidance which forces the aspirants to seek help from coaching institutions. These institutions charge unreasonably high amount for classes and ironically, they are unethical as per the provision of the act. C.A. should be a regular integrated course which would let the coaching institutions exploit the students.

This integrated course could be of 5 years set up on the basis of this simple formula:-

3 years graduation (in accordance with the need of C.A. course) + 1 year articleship + 1 year for appearing in finals. 


Students miss out on their college life compromising of the milestones they could've easily embarked upon the activities that give students a platform to stand up and grow. There is no common ground for C.A. aspirants to interact, discuss and debate on, thus limiting them. They lack competitiveness. Whereas MBA students are a lot more presentable despite the fact that C.A. students are equally knowledgeable. A regular course would provide a cutting edge to C.A.'s over almost every other course. Accessibility Since C.A. is a self study course, there are people who lack awareness about this course. Keeping common proficiency test as entrance exam in mind, what can be done is to affiliate this course with universities and institutions offering regular courses. After clearing their CPT, their students can be admitted into various colleges on the basis of their ranks/scorings. This is fair enough, as well as judicious and prudent.

This would help India generate Chartered Accountants with more quality knowledge and status as there are no reservations now, it would be preferable if there will be no reservations after it becomes a regular course. The essential aspiration of a course, whatever that may be, is a whole hearted and fully fledged development of human caliber. It would not suffice that the chartered accountants should be taught and trained in a manner that their all round development is not lopsided in comparison to other young men who have adopted other courses. It appears that C.A. students are cut off from social and extracurricular activities in which students of other courses are actively engaged.

One has to keep in mind that conversion of C.A. into a regular course requires legislative approval. Keeping all the points in sight, I feel it is valid to say that C.A. community flourish even more on adoption of a regular course with additional benefits of regularity, exposure and accessibility .


C.A. Aspirant I.P.C.C

may attempt1

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Published by

Shreya Garg
(Articled Assistant)
Category Career   Report

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