A Chartered Accountant-The Real Hero

Shekhar Kaushik , Last updated: 22 January 2018  


What is the meaning of success?  When desired things are achieved in the perfect manner is the success. Everyone may have their own definition of it, and at every stage of life it can be different.

So the eternal principal of success is, it can't be bound on the basis of age, time & material things. But the universal standard of the principle of success is, it comes to a deserving candidate.

Then question arises again, who is the deserving candidate??

A person who can digest the power of success is the deserving candidate for it. Who can understand the sensitivity of success, who can respect their own achievement, who can set the high standard of it. So getting success is an easy task rather than to digest it.

Because when success by mistake goes to unfit person, even the civilization can't digest the person itself. And there are so many example of it in the wombs of history.      

In the middle of 5th century bow of the civilization of Magadh was in the unfit hands and civilization had to endure it on the name of Emperor Dhananand. History is witness of the biggest war of Mahabharat due to the unfit hands of Duryodhan.

The Dignified status of Tata Group of Industries had to face critics of market due to 'command in unfit hands.'

When power is in unfit hands society of civilization had to suffer from results.

Because it's very difficult to find Shree Krishna to avoid the losses of Mahabharat for entire civilization, It's very difficult to find Chanakya to disestablish the egoist's emperor from unfitted throne.

So the success which you got after tireless hard word& infinite efforts is very difficult to digest, because success comes with some adornment.

  • Every succeed person thinks that his/her success is due to his personal efforts, which is absolutely wrong. You don't even know how many hands have been prayed for it, how many time your parents had fast for it.
  • Success can get ego & perfection in the mind.
  • An illusion of success can stop the probability of your future success. Because we don't know getting the success is just the beginning of your professional life, and there are still so many thing to be done, to be completed.

It's your moral responsibility that you have to prove yourself with your calm & professional behaviour in front of the society that you were the deserving candidate. You have to prove that you are the best professional with highly established principal & values in life.

And you have to prove that you didn't get success in dolais or donation. You have to set yourself at the standard where people can realize that 'you did not get success, success got you.'

So go.

This corporate world with full of opportunities is waiting for you to have your autograph on their statutory papers, go and enjoy each and every moment of your success, go and relish the desert of your meal.

Now try to become the idle for the upcoming dynasty, so that people can say 'You are my Real Hero.'

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Published by

Shekhar Kaushik
(Public Figure )
Category Students   Report

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