A CA student can also Dream!

Member (Account Deleted) Guest , Last updated: 11 March 2019  

Do you think there ever would be the right time?

Someday you will hear a knock on your door and there it is standing .The Right Time'. Surprised or not, I don't think it works that way: Not for you, Not for anyone. That's the most essential thing when it comes to you as a CA Student, you don't get a 3-5 years of  college life to figure out your dreams.

Dreams can mean anything:  Writing, Travelling, Partying, Sketching or being the best goddamn CA the country has ever seen.

One of the places I gave my articleship interview, The senior partner of the firm asked me:

. Gargi, you seem to be interested in so many things, why take up CA. Why not, do some other thing?'  
. Sir, I don't thing I am giving up on anything. Why can't I be interested in both numbers and colors'

It's not about demeaning your profession. No profession restricts you and your capabilities. It just adds value to .You' as a person and as a professional. It all comes down to two things Importance and priority: Things might be important to you but if it's not your priority… Its as good as .nothing'.

If you want to be a writer....... Start writing
If you want to be a traveler....... Start travelling
If you want to be the best CA in india....... Start connecting, questioning and figuring out.

Because there won't be a right time, Not now and not ever. Start digging now to reach a place. I am sure I am not telling you something you don't already know. But it's the context I would tell you.

I am in first year articleship!

.You know first year of Articleship is crucial' said my brother
.You should probably start studying for finals' instructed my father

So I am doing both, trying to learn as much as I can in firm. I try to study for roughly 2 hours on reaching home plus I sketch and write! And sometimes I even research on articles to write on technical topics.

Do I have time? Not enough!

Am I good at writing or Sketching? Not good enough! Well I can vouch for sketching!

Does that mean I am gonna be a great CA or an artist or a writer in near future? Maybe yes maybe no. But the thing is I am not answerable to anybody other than myself. And when you have done the efforts, that's the thing you can count on! And as long as you are happy doing what you do… You are not even answerable to yourself.

All in all! The quote… Jacks of all, masters of none fades away. You decide what you master in!

The most important thing- none of .it' is going to be easy or will be served to you on a silver platter. Times will be hard and sometimes situations can be unbearable but that's where you have to stand up, that's where you don't give up !

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