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5 Essential Tips for Personal Financial Planning

Vikas Singh Gusain , Last updated: 07 April 2017  

In the finance sector, personal finance is the combination of a wide array of options, including budgeting, insurance, saving, retirement, expenses, debt etc. At times, these options can be inter-connected. There is also a possibility that these options co-exist independently as well. A basic understanding of these options cements a strong financial foundation for your future.

Financial planning helps you to get the max out of your monetary resources by planning achievable goals and executing them in such a way that you are able to attain them. 

Keep the following factors in your mind before you plan your finance. 

1. Plan a Budget

Your expenses are directly proportional to your income. When your salary is credited to your account, you have a spending structure in your mind that tells you how much you need to spend on what. That is known as budgeting. 

What's on your mind is an informal budget. When you write down your income and expenses, coordinate them in such a manner that you are able to accomplish your saving goals; that is formal budgeting. 

A budget helps you to keep an eagle's eye on your spending. You get to know how much money you are spending. If you are over-spending, it helps you to curb this situation and boost your savings. Without a proper budget, you cannot keep a tab on your spending and by the end of the month; you are left with nothing much in your pocket. 

2. Cut the Expenses Down

When you are done finalizing your budget, you can monitor your expenses. In this way, you will be able to cut down the expenses that are not that necessary. This will bring you one step closer to your financial goals. 

People tend to splurge on food and gadgets. You can cut expenses by choosing economical options that give you a good value for money. 

Growing up, everybody got to listen "Money does not grow on the trees." Once people become self-dependent, they understand the true meaning of this saying. In this competitive world, it is so hard to earn money. If you spend it wisely, it is good for you. 

3. Know Your Debt 

If you are under the burden of debt, budgeting and cutting down your expenses would not help you much to accomplish your financial goals. A fair share of the money would be spent for the repayment of your loan. To be in debt is not a bad thing by default. However, the reason behind the debt makes the debt good debt or bad debt. 

Good Debt - When you take credit for your home sweet home, you end up having a lot of debt to repay. The silver lining is that the rate of interest is low. Also, a house is an asset, so this is a good debt.

Bad Debt - Going to the shopping mall, being a shopaholic using your credit card that charges 24 percent interest rate per annum, this is a bad debt. Good news is bad debts can be avoided. 

Be smart enough to avoid bad debts. 

4. Save For Your Retirement

If you want a smooth life post retirement, then you should cultivate the habit of saving. They say "Future in unpredictable," it doesn't mean that you should not be prepared for it. Retirement should be stress-free, not stressful. 

Savings for retirement should be on the top of our priority list. The earlier you start saving, the more you can save. If you save for your retirement, you don't have to depend on anybody. You will be able to live your life on your terms. How empowering is that?

5. The Assurance of Insurance

After budgeting, cutting down your expenses, knowing your debt and planning for your retirement, invest in insurance. People generally refrain talking about death. It makes them uncomfortable. If merely talking about death makes them uncomfortable, can you imagine how uncomfortable will be the lives of their family members post their death? Insurance is the pillar of strength of your financial plans. It brings you closer to the secure future. 

With the technological advancement, you can buy insurance online. It is just a click away from you. Choose a plan that meets your expectations. A wide range of insurance plans is available online. 

Wrapping it up!

Financial planning is a must for everyone. One must take it seriously and start saving right from the first day they start earning. No matter if it's for your own house, personal car, or retirement, you should never overlook since life is unpredictable. 

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Vikas Singh Gusain
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