30 Enthusiastic days for your glory in CA Exams

CA Srujann kumar Reddy , Last updated: 17 October 2016  

For all those who are preparing for CA exams “ALL THE VERY BEST”, this is the time some of the students will get some fears about exams, let me tell you nothing will happen, don’t worry be happy and proceed further, success is waiting for you out there.

So I came up with this article to ensure that you don’t do these small mistakes and you can overcome your fears for the CA Exams, whenever you feel a bit low say to yourself that “I AM A CHALLENGER WHO KNOWINGLY TOOK THE CHALLENGE OF WRITING THE INDIA’s TOUGHEST EXAM”

It gives a bit of satisfaction inside and gives a soothe for your fear, now I remember a statement which I heard from one of my peer foreign colleague who used to say that “If tension is blowing like a whistle over the pressure cooker of life, then Indians are the master chefs who deal it very easily and efficiently”

He meant to say that Indians would work under pressure very easily, so take this pressure under positive way, don’t take it in a negative manner

So coming back to the article I would like to tell you some small mistakes a student does during these 30 days which makes him or her feel less confident

Remember the fact that these 30 days are quite important as because they decide whether you are next Peer to CA fraternity or not, I am gathering my fewer experiences which will assist you proceed further.


I have encountered some students who believe the following fantasies:

  1.  I take question paper with Right hand then only I will get good marks
  2. Black Pen is not a traditional color as per our Hindu mythology don’t use it
  3. I should kiss the question paper immediately when it is given and remember my favorite god then only I should open my eyes
  4. Sentiment Pad, Sentiment Pen, sentiment person, sentiment footwear, sentiment exam centre, for some a sentiment friend should download admit card
  5. Sentiment people to visit before writing exam, sentiment song to listen etc etc etc

This is an Unstoppable or un-ending story, whatever may be your sentiments the question paper is same to all students, it appears funny but yes some are suffering because of these

And if you don’t fulfill your sentiment then it makes you to think that something wrongs gonna happen to you, but guys let me tell you when you see the question paper if it is easy you will forget all these and follow the same sentiments again but if you find a question which is difficult then these sentiments will haunt and grow like a ghost.

So my sincere advise is "PLEASE, PLEASE TRY TO MAKE YOUR MIND FORGET THESE THINGS", no sir I can’t live without sentiments then have such sentiments which are easy to do like “ I have to open my eyes on exam day, I have to eat on exam day, I have to dance etc etc”

One of my students didn’t written exam properly because she had a sentiment that her father has to visit exam centre, however he was stuck in a heavy traffic jam, appears funny but affects a bit


These 4 R’s are very important now, so work on them properly, whenever you find your mind is not co-operating then relax or revise or just sit and remember some charts or JIT you prepared

Adjust your relax time not in between 2 to 5 pm, this is your exam time if you are used to such habit of sleeping in afternoon, try to change it in these 15 days as because it may affect to some extent.

So change those times as it is required


All those CA FINAL guys, you have to write 24 hours of exam (3 Hrs a day and total 8 exams), so don’t let go your writing practice, practice problems and write something

For IPCC it is 21 hours, same thing applies to you as well


All those 16 days of exam, try to have a clear agenda of how to complete the syllabus, some students come up with a concept saying that sir one day I was just reading the basic chapters of income tax and by the time I completed salaries and house property the day is completed.

So differentiate the concepts on its importance and what to read first, so In Direct taxes for IPCC read the following topics first:

  • PGBP, CAP gains, Salaries, House property, IFOS, Total income(Including MAT & AMT), Basics ( S.5,6),Service tax, Excise, TDS, Chapter VI & VIA, assessments

For CA Final Students:

1. Assessment Procedure, PGBP, CAP gains, MAT & AMT, Appeals & Revision, International taxation, special cases (AOP, HUF, etc), Basics (includes IFOS, Salaries, HP, S.5 & 6), we got a 12 marks problem on sec 5, luckily I read

2. In Indirect taxes, First service tax, Central Excise, FTP, and finally Customs ( complete minimum until valuation for sure)

5. BE CALM, DON’T debate just discuss:

Keep your cool guys, I believe in a saying “ Successful people always has two things on their lips 1.SILENCE  & 2.SMILE”

So if someone is debating with you just smile and be silent and come back home and refer and correct your self don’t built a kingdom of insecurity in your mind and create a mess

However you can discuss with your study mate, and solve them.

6.HAVE FAITH in Yourself and your competency and finally GOD:

Always say to yourself you can and you always can do it, and be disciplined until exams, I believe that “DISCIPLINE IS NOT RULES OF LIFE, IT IS A WAY TO RULE THE LIFE”

So trust me guys, be disciplined, do some workout at home, just dance, loose your limbs and sweat profusely and your tension will runaway,

As I always say, during my exam days I used to come from exam forget the exam and keep my favorite songs and used to dance whole heartedly and once I sweat then I used to go to bath and sleep for some time and start the next subject.

Ignore your brothers or sisters who are not belonging to this course, but keep enjoying during your exams just to irritate you ( my brother used to do, its for fun, don’t take it to heart you will get a chance to take a revenge”

Trust a bit on god, don’t rely on him.


Don’t be calm after exams, it is our CA STUDENT Life, surely have a party after completion of “ALL EXAMS” I repeat “ALL EXAMS”

Don’t say I will take rest later we will see, no don’t do it, maybe this is your last exam of life (for CA FINALS) and last exam as a student (CA IPCC) next all IPCC’s will be working in articles ( professional life)

So party to max, forget the exam worries, enjoy life be happy and spread happiness

And remember these preparation days you will never forget or regret in life, they are worth to be a great memories of life

Hope this will help you to some extent and if you want TIPS for writing exam papers, refer my previous articles five things which will help you pass your CA exams”


The author can also be reached at srujan.kalluri@gmail.com

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Published by

CA Srujann kumar Reddy
(Asst Manager(Internal audit))
Category Students   Report

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