21 Big Mistakes in GST

CA Sudhir Halakhandi , Last updated: 10 February 2020  

The Goods and Service Tax Act is full of flaws. Taxpayers are dealing with new problems every day. Here are the 21 big mistakes in GST.

1. No revision/ Amendment facility of Returns. 

21 Big Mistakes in GST

2. Back to Back returns per Month/Quarter instead of Single Return having all the details. 

3. Same due date for Payment of Tax and Filing of Returns. 

4. Different baskets for payment of Tax instead of Single Basket. 

5. Date of deposit of tax is not considered as payment of tax instead of it too much importance is given to the Set off of tax. 

6. Too much stringent procedures. 

7. Late fees even at initial stage of trial. 

8. No proper training to Dealers to follow the Law instead of it they have been burdened with so many procedures/Documents and Returns. 

9. No faith on dealers. 

10. Weak GSTN and No repair of the same since last 30 Months due to Non acceptance of failure of GSTN. 

11. No proper testing of the System and Procedures and Law resulting in too many Notifications, Clarification making the whole literature of GST too cumbersome and very difficult to follow. 


12. Faulty and Late release of Forms and Utilities. 

13. Not taking the Details of Purchases from the dealers and try to punish the purchasers for fault of sellers instead of punishing the defaulting sellers-Lack of Natural Justice. 

14. RCM 

15. No Amnesty for technical Mistakes even at initial 2 or 3 years of trial. 

16. Asking too much information from dealers instead of taking important information only at initial stage. 

17. Problems are too much and Resources are less to solve them. 


18. Helpless Helpline. 

19. No Simplification due to non acceptance of fact that GST is too much confusing and cumbersome. 

20. Too much time is taken to introduce a solution of the problem- Vary Late and half hearted solutions. 

21. Not Listening to Experts working at Ground Level- too much dependency on Bureaucracy. 

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CA Sudhir Halakhandi
Category GST   Report

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