Time Machine - A Journey to our Past and Future

CS LLB Pulkit Gupta , Last updated: 05 January 2011  

(A) Travel through time without a Time Machine


Before you start assuming things I want to make one thing clear that, this is not a science fiction and people who have visited this post/article for some interesting theories of Einstein are advised to close this window.


For others, yes we are not talking about some science concept but an equally interesting concept of our life. The concept of time machine is still in process but according to me it is possible for us to travel in past and future without any TIME MACHINE.


Now question arises how? . Well it has a very simple answer and I hope all of you will agree to it.


We can travel to our past through memories and our future through our dreams.....





Well it is very difficult to choose which one is more important in our life. Actually we can't compare them as they are entirely opposite. But ya both of them have their importance as one is result of our past deeds and other will be the outcome of our future work.


The basic difference is we can't change our past but can only introspect it, while we can shape our future. 


So let's understand their significance one by one. I will start with Future first as what we are doing in our daily life is for our better and secured future only.

PART 1 FUTURE i.e. our Dreams


(1)Future ke Sapne i.e. Dream up your Future


Go Confidently in the direction of your dreams Thoreau


Dreams and imagination are the ingredients of a dish called Future. And ya these are not the dreams which you see while sleeping but these are your day dreams and believe me you will be paid very well for day dreaming.


Sapne vo nahi jo aap sote hue dekhte hue dekhte ho, sapne vo hai jo aapko sone nahin dete". Toh khuli aankhon se sapne dekho.


People who have no dreams will not fly far away. Todays Dream is Tomorrows Future.


Every one must have at least one dream, and no matter what, you must hold on to your dream. It is your dream that gives you motivation to keep on living. Things might look difficult, even conspiracy can come from the least expected quarters, but if you just refuse to let go of your dream, you will get there.


(2) Meaning of Dream


D is for Dare (dare to dream while others don't)
R is for Relentless (relentlessly pursue your dream no matter what)
E is for Excellence (strive for excellence in all you do)
A is for Abandon (abandon any other alternative plans)
M is for Measure (constantly measure where you are in your dream journey)

(3) Right time to Dream


When to start dreaming?


It is neither too early nor too late to start dreaming. You are not too young or too old to dream. If by now you do not have a dream, get one. It is as easy as that, and really, if you must dream, dreams big. If you can see it, you can be it. If you can dream it, you can get there.


 See you have two options


No.1 is to live life like average people whose lives are bound by fear.

No.2 Dont follow anyone but your dreams. Don't believe the people who tell you that you can't or won't. Believe your dream. Believe that it can be your future!


Studies show that people who write or tell someone their dreams are more likely to reach them. If you have not done this, why dont you stop and write your dream of the future right now?


(4) Infosys was the result of a Dream


It was a wintry morning in January 1981 when seven of us sat in my apartment, and created Infosys. We had lots of hope, confidence, commitment, energy, enthusiasm, hard work, passion and a sense of sacrifice.


We were short of one thing, money. We managed to put together just $250 in seed capital.


We never dreamt about size, revenues and profits. Our dream, right from day one, was to build a corporation that was, above all things, respected N.Murthy


(5) Importance of your Dream in your life



Your dream is that thing that you are also prepared to die for. I really do not think that anyone can have a meaningful life without a dream.


You must not allow your dreams to die, and you must not die without your dreams manifesting. Just hold on to your dreams and put them in God hands. No matter what it looks like, if you can just hold on, not giving up that dream will come to pass.


Many people would have many dreams and the fulfilment of more than one dream in their life time. You must keep on dreaming. Once you dream a dream, and that dream comes to pass, you move on to the next level and dream another dream. Inspiration from Guru Movie


No-one dreamed that dream with you, so it is likely that no one would understand your dream. You must not be discouraged when others try to kill your dream.


On the other hand, it is also possible for people to understand your dream but still challenge it because they cannot understand why it is you that had to have the dream. So, they put you down and try to crush you. Many hate you for who you are or for who they know you will become. Many understand your dream but they think it is too farfetched. Inspiration from Guru Movie




The original idea of Time Machine was of Vikas Maheshwari but he wanted me to write on this topic without involving any science concept. I hope I have done justice to it.


This was 1st part of my article dealing with future. My second part will deal with Past i.e. memories. Waiting for your comments.



Pulkit Gupta

Pulkit_1988 @ rediffmail.com


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CS LLB Pulkit Gupta
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