How to approach and pass a professional exam?

Aniruddha Deshpande , Last updated: 26 October 2018  

Dear Students,

I have written few Tips on how to approach the exam and how to study in the different phases

Passing any professional exam requires systematic and smart study. Following are a few tips which will help you to crack the exam. I have categorized the following phases  

Study till August-2019  

  • Start early reach early: Friends if you planning to appear for CA final in Nov-2019 than friends you should complete your classes by May-2019. Study 2 hours daily. Preferably in the morning. Student should make subject wise planning and try to touch all subject in a week.
  • Summary Notes: Student should prepare summary notes for each subject. Subjects are broadly classified as
  • Practical subjects: FR, SFM, Costing, DT, IDT
  • Theoretical Subjects:  Audit/ CLAW/ISCA

For practical subjects’ student:  Students are advised to prepare 3 notebooks (Theory, Formulae and 2 sums on each concept)

For Theoretical subject:  Jot Bullet point, draw flowcharts, use mnemonics, sticky notes  

  • Use time effectively: If you are staying at Metro cities and using locals/metro/buses for commuting to office/client place than keep sticky notes handy with you or you can record direct tax /company law provision in your voice and listen this record in the local.
  • Ask Query: Student should not shy and should ask queries immediately to the tutor. Instead of mugging any concept or material, always try to clear concept from the teacher.
  • Solve Practical questions on your own: Student should solve at least 2-3 Questions daily. This will boost confidence of the student.  

Study till mid-October-19

Solve RTP/Attempt at least 2 mock tests: In this period student should solve RTP and should attempt minimum 2 mock test. This will help the student to gain confidence and can attempt his/her paper confidently. In addition to this student will understand where they are lagging

​​​​​​​Study in the last 15 days

Revision, Revision and Revision: Revised all subjects and should read flow charts/formulae daily. In this period students should strive hard but should take at least 8 hours sleep. This period is very important where a student should neither attend any functions nor should be active on social media such as What’s app, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Since this is precious time and your career, and the attempt is very important.

Study on the day of the exam

Relax and read or go through sums which you have solved during the above period:

Student should not attempt any new thing on the last day or should stretch study for more than 12 hours. Be calm and stay positive. Take proper diet and get all necessary documents/ equipments with you. (Admit card, Pen, Pencil, ruler, calculator)

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Aniruddha Deshpande
Category Exams   Report

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