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Do we require any Special Effort? (For CA Students)

SANYAM ARORA , Last updated: 09 May 2021  

Greetings of  the  day  to  all  the  members  of  CCI  Family.

Today I am going to draw your kind attention toward a very vital topic in our field.

In the present scenario you all must have heard about the following “Now CA Has become Very easy“, “Anyone can do it now”, “Ab VO Baat Nahe Rahe CA Me”, “No comparison b/w CA & MBA”, you know friends it really kills me. I feel so Down & Shattered after hearing these words.

I feel after putting so many efforts & studying so hard, if we don’t get recognition in the market, so what’s the use of doing it.

I feel so bad for our seniors who are not getting job according to their expectations. But the thing lies why we are not getting Job?

We all know the answer i.e. we all know our weaknesses but still we don’t take any steps to overcome it. We all know CA is a correspondence course & many of us lack in communication but still we don’t take any step to improve it.

This Article is dedicated to all the CA Aspirants.

Do we require any Special Effort?


· Friend’s we should start taking initiatives from the first day of our Articleship (We should not wait till becoming CA)

· We should keep on talking with our mates in English, even if it is wrong.

·  Try to enhance your knowledge in terms of M.S Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)

·  Keep yourself updated with changes in Economy


· This is the most important thing for all of us, but the point lies how to improve it?

· Follow the following steps for improving your Communication skills –

a. Always try to speak even if you are wrong. Sometimes you will have to face criticism, but always remember future lies with those who do rather than who just laugh.

b. Be a part of the Argument (Debate). We often see our see our friends discussing on many matter & even we want to contribute, but just because of lack of confidence we find it difficult to speak. So keep trying, as it is said that “The one who tries always wins the debate”

c. Pay attention to nonverbal signals i.e.

1. Folded arms in front of a person may mean they’re feeling defensive or closed off.

2. Lack of eye contact may mean they’re not really interested in what you’re saying, are ashamed of something, or find it difficult to talk about something.

3. Louder, more aggressive tone may mean the person is escalating the discussion and is becoming very emotionally involved. It might also suggest they feel like they’re not being heard or understood.

4. Someone who’s turned away from you when talking to you may mean disinterest or being closed off.

d. Nobody is a perfect communicator all the time. But you can work to become a better communicator by trying a few of these tips. Better communication, however, starts with one person making the effort to improve, which often encourages the other to come along for the ride.


· We all keep on saying that our English is very poor but none of us take initiative to improve it.

· The one who keeps thinking that His/ Her time is gone can never succeed in life.

· No one in this world is born perfect, it depends upon us how we take the things.

· If you are weak at something, start improving it right today, don’t think what others are thinking and just concentrate on your Goal.

· Follow the steps given below -

1. Purchase a Grammar Help book from the market & Read at least one lesson every day.

2. Start reading Newspaper & the words you find difficult to understand, consult Dictionary for the same

3. Browse Internet & make your vocabulary strong.

4. In a short span of time you will feel a positive change in you.


·  A person, who has confidence on him, can do wonders in the world.

· But a person who lacks confidence, even if he has plenty knowledge will feel down while doing everything.

· So it plays a vital role in our life.

· The point lies how to gain Confidence?

1. Always try doing some innovative thing in your life i.e. it can be in sports, studies, etc.

2. During group discussions many people never speak up because they’re afraid that people will judge them for saying something stupid. This fear isn’t really justified. Generally, people are much more accepting than we imagine. In fact most people are dealing with the exact same fears. By making an effort to speak up at least once in every group discussion, you’ll become a better public speaker, more confident in your own thoughts, and recognized as a leader by your peers.

3. One of the best ways to build confidence is listening to a motivational speech. Unfortunately, opportunities to listen to a great speaker are few and far between. You can fill this need by creating a personal commercial. Write a 30-60 second speech that highlights your strengths and goals. Then recite it in front of the mirror aloud (or inside your head if you prefer) whenever you need a confidence boost.

4. Friend’s keep on interacting with different people every day. Always be an Extrovert & not introvert in life. This will help you in dealing with different people in life.


· I really feel bad for our seniors & I really want to help them. I am too attached to this profession, that’s why I thought to write this article so that the problem they are facing, should not be faced by coming generation

· Please follow the steps diligently & never feel low for not knowing things.

· No one is perfect in this world; it’s just that no one discloses his/ her weakness with everyone.

So let’s make a promise that we will live up to the expectation of our Institute (ICAI).

“Proud to be a CA Student”

Thanks & Regards

Sanyam Arora

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(“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.”)
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