A financial advice

Hitesh Uppal , Last updated: 17 August 2017  

Make money work for you and do not work for money: The rich have money work for them. The poor and middle class work for money. 

Asset or Liabilities: Rich people acquire assets, poor have only earning and expenses and middle class acquire liabilities that they think those are assets. Think of the flat you have which you bought on loan. Middle class think this is the asset they have. But actually same is the liability till the loan is paid off.

Rich v/s Educated: Being educated doesn't make you rich. You have to work day and night and in correct manner to be rich.

Secure Investment: Never forget high risk high gain. Secured investment always give minimum return. Diversify your portfolio.

Gambling v/s Investment: If you know what you are doing then it is a investment. It is gambling if you are just throwing your money into a deal and praying. Be prudent understand what is Gambling and what is investment. Avoid gambling. In short run you can win gamble but in long run only investment helps.

Gel with Smart People: Intelligent people are those who work smarter people. You not only gel well but you also learn a lot.

Pay first yourself: Whatever you earn and whatever debt you have, always pay yourself first. This is the only saving you have. First keep aside money for savings and then spend. Generally, people save after spending.

Self Investment: Treat yourself as product. Invest in yourself. You will only command value if you are at par with market. We service our car twice a year what about your own servicing? Think about this.

Listening more talk less: We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.

Choose friends carefully: Do not choose friends based on their financial statement but choose friends who knows financial intelligence.

Self discipline: The rich know savings are only used to create more money not to pay bills and spend on liabilities. Your own P&L should be such that your assets are better off to pay your liabilities and you don't need to increase liabilities to increase your assets.

High Risk Experimental Investment: Play with money that you can afford to lose.

Buying v/s Selling: Profits are Made in the buying, not in the selling. The more you accumulate the more you show inclination towards increasing your assets.

Active v/s Passive Income: The key to great wealth is to convert your earned income into passive income. So that this passive income generates more income. 

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Hitesh Uppal
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