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Icwai demands drop chartered from icai

Page no : 15

DK (SERVICE) (121 Points)
Replied 23 December 2011

Originally posted by : Jerry

Dear Dr DS raj, 

Its a very nice lecture but not correct facts. As i read in some earlier comments and from my personal experience, I know CWA's even without knowing how to write a journal entry properly. Are you comparing this quality with the CA's quality ?? Its just a foolish comparison. Am not a CA or CWA, but have close relations with these kind of professionals. While talking to CWA's we can feel their head weight and stupid complex of false professionalism while CA's are behaving in a mush matured manner. its a result of articleship only. During those 3 years the training is for a life style also where he will learn how to behave, how to live, how to work etc. There may be dummies also but you cannot generalise that comment. Also, if the CA's without Staturory audit and tax audit, are equal to CWA's, how can you answer for the ignorance of basic debit/credit of a qualified CWA ? Is this you mentioned as higher calibre and awareness of CWA's??? Is this the Finance professional you are comparing with CA's? idiotic.

Dear sir, comparison should be done between comparables.  



Mr Jerry, Kabul main Ghore hi nahi Gadhe bhi milte hain.I have a great respect for IIM and if you really claim that you are from IIM and assuming that i will suggest one thing to enquire one thing from your CA collegue in IIM that how many of them did completed 3 Yrs Practical Training.You boast to be management graduate from IIM, i will also not agree that Management graduate from PREMIER INSTITUTE are more capable.Goldman sachs,Lehman Brothers were full of High capable Management, But USKE BAJOOD PAR BHI PRASN CHINH UTH GAYA., So please do the job analyst.You have quoted that how CWA s are responding , Mr Jerry CWA are capable because msot of the paper they are answering is the Application of Min as done in MANAGEMENT.In ICWA ,biting(ratta lie Parrot nahi chalta hai..)See in case of IIM PLacement also, some body has compared with the PUSHKAR FAIR, .I have not seen the comments from your fraternity objecting to that.It has been sen that PSU does not differentiate between ICWA and CA the outcome , u can see is R S SHARMA , the CMD was ICWA , MR verma,CMD of SAIL is ICWAI only.I agree that in every profession some incapable person are there.Even in placement of IIM some one is getting 50K and other is getting 500K placement offer.Mr Jerry, sorry to say your analytical power is less, other wise such comment from Analyst is not expected.It is better for you to pursue ICWA course as you have enough knowledge abt CA.then draw a conclusion.Rtaher eating the pudding , if it will be told that Pudding is not tasty.Think what other will say.Get out from the biased thinking.


Mr. DK.

please do not mess with IIM or IIT. they are not comparables with you or even CA. goi ditch you from country , if you speak against them . Diversity in thwe quality of servies is everywhere. has ICWAI or ICAO power to speak against IIM or IIT. Waqad pe rahene main sab ko bhalia hai, sir ji.

If Mr, Jerry of from IIM , i have lot of respect for him not because favaring CA or critising CWA , but because of being face of  excellent quality od education

In the name accountnant you  fight simply with CA. they are proven creamy profession in the country and world.  make habit to listen critizims. 





Mr Jerry has full right to discuss with you because common point between you and him is Word Management. He as liberty to speak any things on the managment. he does not need certifcate from you and ICAI CMA , he has already been given by IIM. Jaha per aap li soch khatam hoti hain waha IIM sochna suru karte hain.

MBA IIM se panga loge toh , GOI phir CWA bana dega?

Please do not  cross your boundry of being accountant first. MBA IIM is 1000 % better than CWA or CMA.

DK (SERVICE) (121 Points)
Replied 23 December 2011

People living in glass house should not throw stone to others.Again i have dare to tell you that write your President to plead for level playing field rather than back door maneuver to Mps AND MCA.Regarding IIM , i assume that i know much better than you, because i had opportunities to coach Maths for CAT to some of my past students in my earlier days, as i did the graduation with Science.Gupta ji, it is sure that Chartered word is going to be removed , it might be in 2012 or 2022.Some Anna will definitely emerge for this purpose.Truth only prevails.It is Kaliyug and People from the rank of Raju to Raja has tasted the result of evil done to the society.

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Prasad (GENERAL. MANAGER-FINANCE)   (108 Points)
Replied 23 December 2011

Dear All,

Let us stop this embroglio at once. What do we try to achieve? Whether Chartered is removed from ICAI or Management is included in ICWAI why we are storming our tea cups?

DK sir- request you not to put any adverse comment on ICAI and Mr. Raj Kumar/Jerry- Please stay away from umdermining other professional institutes.

All the professional institutes are great In their own field.




Dr. D. S.Raj, Ph.D. (Eco) (Economist & Member on the Editorial Board of various International Economics and Finance Research Journals in USA UK Brazil and India)   (32 Points)
Replied 23 December 2011

Extract of posting:.


Dear Dr DS raj,

Its a very nice lecture but not correct facts. As i read in some earlier comments and from my personal experience, I know CWA's even without knowing how to write a journal entry properly. Are you comparing this quality with the CA's quality ?? Its just a foolish comparison. Am not a CA or CWA, but have close relations with these kind of professionals. While talking to CWA's we can feel their head weight and stupid complex of false professionalism while CA's are behaving in a mush matured manner. its a result of articleship only. During those 3 years the training is for a life style also where he will learn how to behave, how to live, how to work etc. There may be dummies also but you cannot generalise that comment. Also, if the CA's without Staturory audit and tax audit, are equal to CWA's, how can you answer for the ignorance of basic debit/credit of a qualified CWA ? Is this you mentioned as higher calibre and awareness of CWA's??? Is this the Finance professional you are comparing with CA's? idiotic.

Dear sir, comparison should be done between comparables.





[ Scorecard : 72]


Posted about 19 hours ago

Extract of Posting:

Dear Jerry-

I am CA and ICWA both. I know the hardship I have gone through in passing both the course. It took me 7 long years to pass ICWA and 4.5 years to pass CA.

If you do not belong to any of the two professional bodiesthen why are you giving lecture? Take the pain in passing any of the course and then give lecture.

Being the member of two professional body sometimes I feel ashemed by seeing the maturity level of our so called professionals. This kind of comment proves that where we are?

Dr Selvraj- Request you not to respond to the people like Jerry or Raj Kumar Gupta. It is a great insult to the person of your statute.


My reply please

Thanks Mr. Prasad,


 I am not inclined to take part in this forum as the discussions are not  fair and  intellectual. However, I venture to post this last one so that these younger guys can understand the reality.


 CWA's even without knowing how to write a journal entry properly


2.I  have closely associated with Indian and International Corporates and International Organizations for the last 45 years.  By God’s grace I posses 8 Post graudate qualifications from India and abroad out of which three with Gold medals. Incidentally one of my children is a CA and the other is from FMS, Delhi and Doctoral degree in Management from Swiss,  all are working in the aea of Finance            I am also a visiting Professor of number of Management Institutions.


 3. Debit/credit and Journal entries are not all as the poster assumes.  Even the IIM Gradutes may not be thorough with these, except the broad understanding of the principles. In this respect a 12th Class Student is more familiar with this Debit /credit, Journal entries than any one, so they are more superior to all.


 4. There are two areas connected with the Corporate and other business organization. One is pure accounting ie maintenance of books of accounts (Book keeping function) where the knowledge of these debit, credit and journal entries etc are involved. These people generate accounting records, P&L account and Balance Sheet etc. I have seen that in many organization these functions are carried out even by undergraduates. The other function is Finance which involves – (i)rendering Finance advice on critical matters (ii))  issues connected with declaring of dividend (iii) mobilization of funds outside sources, (iv) decision on forming joing ventures and collobarations, and (v)  other critical matters connected with the overall busines operations.


 5. I have seen that no intelligent guy will remain in the domain of Book keeping function and will switch over  to the area of Finance. Average guys remain throught out his life time in maintaining books of accounts with the knowledge of debit, credit and journal entries.  Certain set of people are under the impression that these debit, credit and Journal entries are all  required.  I took pitty on these people for their ignorance.


 6. Mostly, the so called CAs, join the course after passing 12th class and doing B.Com along with their CA course and hence mostly B.COM, ACA.  That is all the knowledge gained by them. Contrary to this more than 60 percent of CWAs are highly qualified and  with exposure to various business segments in Corporate. More over these people venture to undertake the course of CWA with their quest for acquiring knowledge, mostly,  and because of these traits they edge over all other professional members.


7. Comment on "Comparison should be done between comparables."


  The central excise, VAT, Service tax and Internal audit, practice  in Tax Tribunal etc etc are carried out by both the CAs and CWAs and extending more other areas are under the consideration of the Government. I wonder how this guy judged that the CAs and CWAs are entirely a deferrent set of animals.


8. This view is not given to support one set of people but to bring the fact to the ignorant guys so that their ego may come down.

 9. I firmly lay down that the days are not for off  for their down fall and clibbing of their wings. 

10. I will not venture to air my further view whateverver  criticism may come for this posting.

 This Forum is not exclusive for the Members of ICA(Accounts) as some assumes, but open to all Finance Professionals and tax payers , with a total strenth of over seven lakhs, nearly seven times more than the strength of the ICA(Accounts). Hence, every member is eligible to air his views irrespective of the opinion/views of others, I suppose, provided there is no personal attack on the writers to this Forum (which is the ethical standard expected of the so called professionals)



 Dr.D. S.Raj, Ph.D.(Eco.)


Note-1.  I accidentally noticed this thread and hence tempted to post my reply. I am not interested in the affairs of any of the professional bodies. My views are factual whether any one agree to it or not. If any one is hurt with my posting, which is based on rich experience, kindly ignore it.


        2.  This reply is repeated three times hence deleted two please.



Chandranath Banerjee (Cost Accountant & Company Secretary)   (235 Points)
Replied 23 December 2011

Originally posted by : Raj Kumar Gupta


Mr Jerry has full right to discuss with you because common point between you and him is Word Management. He as liberty to speak any things on the managment. he does not need certifcate from you and ICAI CMA , he has already been given by IIM. Jaha per aap li soch khatam hoti hain waha IIM sochna suru karte hain.

MBA IIM se panga loge toh , GOI phir CWA bana dega?

Please do not  cross your boundry of being accountant first. MBA IIM is 1000 % better than CWA or CMA.

Raj, pl. define yourself. Who are you CA or MBA. How do you know jerry ?. Are you TOM ?. Dear it is not Cartoon Network. It is CA Club. So go to the TV and Show your nonsence. If he is from IIM pl. give his particulars as it seem you are agenet of him. If you are CA then  ok if not   then it seems  you have kicked from  CWA. Enmity comes from that. Personally I am a Certificate of Merit Holder CWA & CS. But I also love CA. As being a family man I have to do job for my bed & butter.Bar is articleship. if not I will definitely do.. I have no personal ill feeling aginst  CA. . We are pround about ourCA club . pl. do no polute it. Both you and jerry pl. show your complete detail. You are only one month old as per membership. Pl. any think further you write , write with giving your full particulars, Otherwise we will treated you are fake and spreading slender which is punishable as per our legal framework. 


Mr. Chandranath,


Please request CBI before us , how  we are connected , why we polluting your forum and your are promoter of this forum. next ICWAI ask goi to cbi inquiry to us so that nexus can be tracked out.

Enimity which you are talking bout , we learned from ICWAI and CWA's just recenlty , before that we were not aware of the things. What 10.75 Lacs ca students and ca are feeling , u r not realising , reaslisation comes when thay comes on th street.

I can suggest better join exclusive CMA club so that you will not have to face criticsm. you have to prove your identity sir ji , because you are suffering from identity crisis not me , and i will provide you all my details , come throug proper channel. and who has given authority to ask so .Not online , evenm forum reccomd not shoow details. Coming to legal point , let us move to the court , who is where ? is solved.

But i have enough right to critose like you. please carry on.

Mr Prasad,

just check who started this kind of debate. 

ACMA-ICAI (DGM-Global Voice Business)   (1052 Points)
Replied 23 December 2011

@ Gupta

It seems you are working as manager. But you do not know how to manage all things. I am working in a one of the best telecom company in India as a DGM(Budet and pricing). Eight people reporting to me. out of 8 people, 3 people( older than me) are CAs, 2 CWAs, 1 MBA from IIM-Kolkata, 2 B.coms. we never discriminate on the basis of CAs and CWAs qualification. Qualification require only entry level. after that you ave to prove yourself.

so, it is my request to you dont depend on CA qualification alone.

1 Like



Dear Sir,

This is natural to have an action and then reaction. your supremecy does not stop me to be with the facts.

Profesionalims should be honored for nay debate. So far as my performance is concerned. that is my dedication and determination to the job assigned decides, not you. my self is dedicated to any things i invovled with always seeking to learn new things. see here in debate , i found some of cwa's were critizing ca nd ICAI. i decided how to counter them. see the results. mY boss says hw you dedicated , evem icai can not  afford such. He is MBA IIM from Kozicode.

Prasad (GENERAL. MANAGER-FINANCE)   (108 Points)
Replied 24 December 2011

What is going on here? Is this a professional site? Rajkumar Gupta and Santosh rerquest you to stay calm. Please do not cross your limit.



Sorry Prsad Sir.

Sanket ( ACA, ACMA, CS) (Self-Employed) (72 Points)
Replied 24 December 2011

Originally posted by : Jerry

Dear Dr DS raj, 

Its a very nice lecture but not correct facts. As i read in some earlier comments and from my personal experience, I know CWA's even without knowing how to write a journal entry properly. Are you comparing this quality with the CA's quality ?? Its just a foolish comparison. Am not a CA or CWA, but have close relations with these kind of professionals. While talking to CWA's we can feel their head weight and stupid complex of false professionalism while CA's are behaving in a mush matured manner. its a result of articleship only. During those 3 years the training is for a life style also where he will learn how to behave, how to live, how to work etc. There may be dummies also but you cannot generalise that comment. Also, if the CA's without Staturory audit and tax audit, are equal to CWA's, how can you answer for the ignorance of basic debit/credit of a qualified CWA ? Is this you mentioned as higher calibre and awareness of CWA's??? Is this the Finance professional you are comparing with CA's? idiotic.

Dear sir, comparison should be done between comparables.  




I have seen qualified CA who does not know that Accounting Standards are issued and Published by ICAI. They are under an Impression that these are written & issued by renouned Author such as their tuotion teacher. I assure (CA) Nay inform( Common Man) that whatever I have written above is true and correct as per my knowledge own experience. So please consider this as FACTS



Respected Kalpesh Sir & All respected members Thanks all of your Valuable comment on this topic, if there is some painful communication between us, then forget it (after all we all are brothers ICWAI & ICAI)

Chandranath Banerjee (Cost Accountant & Company Secretary)   (235 Points)
Replied 27 December 2011

Originally posted by : Raj Kumar Gupta
Mr. Chandranath,
Please request CBI before us , how  we are connected , why we polluting your forum and your are promoter of this forum. next ICWAI ask goi to cbi inquiry to us so that nexus can be tracked out.
Enimity which you are talking bout , we learned from ICWAI and CWA's just recenlty , before that we were not aware of the things. What 10.75 Lacs ca students and ca are feeling , u r not realising , reaslisation comes when thay comes on th street.
I can suggest better join exclusive CMA club so that you will not have to face criticsm. you have to prove your identity sir ji , because you are suffering from identity crisis not me , and i will provide you all my details , come throug proper channel. and who has given authority to ask so .Not online , evenm forum reccomd not shoow details. Coming to legal point , let us move to the court , who is where ? is solved.
But i have enough right to critose like you. please carry on.
Mr Prasad,
just check who started this kind of debate. 

Dear My friend Raj, who are you CA, MBA What?.

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