The reality of the checking system!

ANIRBAN DAS (CMA, B.Com, CA Final,) (1522 Points)

17 July 2013  

Let me tell you friends, that I am writing this not with the intention of causing any controversy, but simply I am sharing some obvious observations from the many number of times I have appeared in the CA Examinations....

1. Our first attempt - our copies are checked a little less strictly. Proof - In my first attempt I was very badly prepared, marks in Audit - 45, next attempt after 3 months of studying for 12 hrs each day, Audit - 44.

2. This shows that once you fail the first time you come into some strict code like 'lets see whether this student deserves to pass' so your copy is checked extra hard or whatever manipulation is done I dont know, because I myself know personally how much difference was there in my hard work as I got 82 marks more than my first attempt ( 389 VS 307)

3. When u still dont pass the second time, it gets even harder, by this time many students get frustrated and lose focus, result failure in the third attempt.

4. Fourth attempt u have put your best effort up to date, because after a lot of analysis you know what exactly you have to read how you should write and everything like that and here luck comes into play...some pass ....some FAIL.....

By no means I am saying that this is true or word of God but I think many of my fellow friends & students will notice a pattern here. I am not making out ICAI to be purposely doing this....but mayb it might be true to some extent. So next time when you prepare, prepare like an expert who knows every paragraph of the book, then maybe you'll get 50 and pass!