Exams- Valuation- Results ! A journey

Robin (AUDITOR) (854 Points)

10 December 2010  

Hope the valuation of papers might be in progress..Some major and minor concerns to be viewed and corrected and judged are :

There has to be shift in RESULT'S OF JANAURY  2011 from Agarwal's, Jain's , Sharma's, Verma's, Gupta's Goyal's and Shah's to some other Addresses !! Majority of students are fed up of seeing the successful achievement of above category of students. India is moving and if it has to be developed in meaningful manner there need not be any disparity in any kind of society !  The reason behind such result is a mystery so far !

This times results should beat previous high results. Everyone has performed well and Institute has no reason to give negative interpretation if result gets posted low !! Well result might be definately all time high !!

It has happened in last MAY exam that there were several ICAI branche's in which not even a single student turned a Chartered !! Donno its a shame or fame for ICAI !! Hope this time there will be some chartered's in every branch's of ICAI