A few good thoughts to change the future...
(44682 Points)
(44682 Points)
(“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.”)
(20173 Points)
Replied 21 September 2012
Excellent Post Brother.
Absolutely Right.
To Add On -
" The Road to Success
We all want to walk on the road of success
But do you day by day measure your progress
Do you have a vision?
Do you have a mission?
You need one even if it is inspired by television
We all want to walk on the road of success
But do you day by day measure your progress
Critically look at your personal development
Grizzle over the final accomplishment
Decide on the instruments you need at the moment?
On its road, there are many paths to take
With many sacrifices along the way to make
Patience, faith and hard work, please don’t forsake
Or your dreams will pour empty into a wide lake
We all want to walk on the road of success
But do you day by day measure your progress
Is your vision greater than greatness?
You are the first one you must try to impress
Take a step at a time and do not digress
For success when achieved, I say without sarcasm
Is more gratifying than any orgasm "
Vandana Mulchandani
(Finance Manager )
(9227 Points)
Replied 21 September 2012
Wonderful thoughts....very motivating and inspiring.....Thank you Balu sir for sharing.....
(✩ §m!ℓ!ñġ €ม€§ fℓม!ñġ ђ♪gђ✩ )
(21627 Points)
Replied 21 September 2012
very motivating .....
Hardik Dave
(IPCC and CS Professional(FINAL) Student)
(15533 Points)
Replied 22 September 2012
Gitika bajaj
(260 Points)
Replied 22 September 2012
''Everything in this world can be seen as you wish to. Good or Bad; Simple or Complicated; Easy or Difficult. Its not how things are; its about how you look up to them....and how you look up to them is all up to you.''
But i feel one needs strong willpower(inner strength) to understand to look up at the world in a good-positive way even the situation may not be so...
Gitika bajaj
(260 Points)
Replied 22 September 2012
Can anyone tell me how sud one respond to a people
i)who intimates ur lifestyle.
ii) who is arrogant..
Charu Srivastava
(Company Secretary)
(4210 Points)
Replied 22 September 2012
Nice piece of sharing...
Wonderful read...
Charu Srivastava
(Company Secretary)
(4210 Points)
Replied 22 September 2012
Dear Gitika....
Be focussed on yourself. spend lot of time in improving yourself tha u dont have time to criticise others.
Be a Gardener oy your mind, weed out negative thoughts and plants positive, it will blossom beautifully beyond your imangination.
Lets others do what they want to, your job is to mind your business not others.
Try to make yourself happy, stay positive. Life is indeed very beautiful provided one has a right attitude to live.
Gitika bajaj
(260 Points)
Replied 22 September 2012