Professional Career Options After 10+2

Manjit Banga , Last updated: 29 March 2013  

After 10+2, the most important question in the minds of students is what field to choose after which they will have a successful career. Of course, many students start thinking about it way early, but the majority of them get ample time to think about it after they have finished with the final exams and have time to think what to do next. Many of them are not able to choose the right option and eventually face difficulties in shaping their career. So, if you’re planning to take up a professional career after 10+2 commerce or any other field (except Fine arts) then you should go through the following points.  

After completing 12th standard, the commerce students mainly opt for 3 basic courses viz accounting courses, computers and business management. Those who have a flair in management choose business management courses and those who think they are good with computers and can pursue a career in it, take computers as a field of study. The most popular are the accounting courses which has become a major career goal for majority commerce students. A professional career in such courses  involves maintaining and analyzing accounts and records of the organizations, coordinating with different people,  and will also include various management aspects when you grow in that particular field.  

Lets have a brief look at the 3 courses in the field of accountancy, a commerce student can opt for:

Company Secretary

The company secretary course is regulated by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). There are three levels in this course viz The Foundation Course, Executive Programme Course, Professional Course, after which the student can do independent practice or else apply for the post of CS in various companies who have a paid up capital of Rs. 5 crores or more. The scope of Company Secretary in India is becoming very broad with the growth and diversification in the corporate world.  

You can get into highly paid positions in the public and private sectors, various banks and financial institutions, , the Department of Company Affairs, stock exchanges, company law boards and government departments or you can independently start your own practice. A company secretary plays the role of a mediator between the organization and its board of directors. Company secretaries are usually more concerned with forming policies for the company, maintaining records of all the legal issues, handling public issues, managing mergers and acquisitions or joint projects and the likes. Additionally they work as liaison agents, negotiating with a number of government authorities.  

Chartered Accountancy

A chartered accountant is an individual who is responsible for some important functions pertaining to auditing, taxation, finances etc. It is regulated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). There are 3 levels of CA examination; CPT – Common Proficiency Test, IPCC – Integrated Professional Competence Course and Final Exam. They provide professional guidance and offer valuable guidelines to businesses; such as, exactly how they need to deal and benefit from the changing and current business environment. They assist businesses in managing magnanimous loads of legal difficulties that companies encounter on a day to basis.  

Cost Accountancy

The Institute of Cost and Work Accountants of India regulates the course for cost accountancy. A cost accountant is responsible to manage and organize the cost related functions of the organization. He/she assembles and analyses all the cost related to various departments. They check the utilization of funds so as to know whether it has been done in a right way or not and in a cost effective direction. Here also, there are 3 levels of examination conducted by ICWAI. Other than working as a cost accountant with any public or private organization, one can also work as a consultant.  

Log on to for more information on Company Secretary Courses.

Manjit Banga - The author of this article is a Company Secretary mentor and the owner of one of the premier Educational Institutes in Vadodara. If you’re looking to get Company Secretary Admission in Vadodara, contact Banga Tutorials.

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Published by

Manjit Banga
(Mentor of Banga Tutorials)
Category Students   Report



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