Digital Learning : The future of education

CA CMA CS Ram Pavan Kumar Melam , Last updated: 07 June 2016  

The future education seems destined for digital revolutionary methods of imparting a great deal of knowledge to the learners. The course of education will be enshrined digitally. The sense of digital learning pervades globally and reaches the pinnacle of success in the time to come. No country or an educational institution can keep away itself from the benefits bestowed by digital learning. Digital Learning is everything in future. It includes e-Learning, Blended Learning, Online Learning, etc. It also includes “offline digital learning” for example a software, screening audio visual files, scanners, digital cameras etc. used locally i.e. on campus or off the campus.

Digital Learning was at conception stage and obscure a decade ago. The idea of digital learning may seem unacceptable to conventional thinkers, but is highly expedient either to replace or complement the conventional classroom education due to its far reaching benefits.

With the spread of internet and its download speed, today, some way or the other online training is prevalent in schools and colleges.

The below are the broad type of Digital Learning methods:

eLearning or e-Learning

eLearning is simple form of an electronic learning where a PC or a laptop or an internet television or a screen used as a medium to deliver the lectures by teachers. The interaction between the student and teacher is virtual.

Blended learning

E-learning may be either a complete module itself or complementary to the conventional classroom learning of that course. In blended learning the students undergo both eLearning and in-person conventional classroom learning.

Online Learning

Online includes eLearning and blended learning. It may or may not be interactive.

Types of eLearning based on location

eLearning may be off the campus or on the campus.

On the campus learning methodologies are many but the following three types are most prevalent:

1. Simple eLearning: It contains textual, pictorial or graphical expressions, audio-visual (AV) media, etc.;

2. Interactive eLearning: It is a virtual classroom that allows participants to communicate with one another or with the faculty as well on the eLearning module;

3. Simulation eLearning: This mode of eLearning is especially useful for the fields like medicine, aviation, military, etc.

Advantages of eLearning:

  1. Engages scholarly and eminent faculty;
  2. A few methods, allow the participants to learn the course at their convenient timings;
  3. Possible to screen a video and audio with transcription, a picture, text, etc. which not possible in conventional class room education. This provides a speedy and precise learning;
  4. Can avoid live dissection of an animal;
  5. Students can benefit out of vast knowledge disseminated through eLearning modules;
  6. Low investment on faculty, laboratory paraphernalia etc. by the institutions;
  7. Faculty relieved from regular classroom teaching may engage in educational research;

Future Learning

eLearning may completely or partially replaces the conventional classroom learning pretty soon. The governments are formulating plans to spread the usage of high quality private internet connections through various internet service providers.

With initiation of HRD Ministry the students across the country would be able to watch live telecast of lectures from various IIT, other TOP technology and management institutions from their living rooms. HRD Ministry already launched 32 Direct-to-Home (DTH) channels to cater the needs of technology and management students. In the very near future high quality space technology education is available through two dedicated television channels.

The computers and internet technology is changing the face of education.

The students can explore google search engine for learning any kind of topic with deeper insight. At the same time, the faculty may the explore the benefits of eLearning to further their teaching skills.

Technology is bringing the below changes to the classroom education:

  1. The ‘Homework’ can be renamed as ‘devise works’. The class assignments can be completed during the break or while going or waiting in the school bus;
  2. eBook replaces the textbook shortly;
  3. Due to advancement of technology students are more informative, active and engaged in their studies. The faculty role has been changed to facilitator to the e-class. The faculty should possess good skills on working with computer technology and liaison role between e-broadcasters and e-facilitators;
  4. It is common occurrence of schools, colleges and institutions making tie-ups with E-collaborators for e-broadcasting of study modules at e-classrooms;
  5. Technology allows flexibility to the students to learn at their own level and pace.

The effects of digital learning

  1. No more carry of knapsack by the school children;
  2. Closure of educational institutions those continuing conventional teaching methodologies;
  3. The project work of a class X student will be similar to a thesis of an upcoming doctorate of a university;
  4. The parents shall equip their children with study rooms and electronic gadgets such as electronic tablet, smart phone, laptops, headphones, external data devices, internet, 4K screens with Wi-Fi, 3G /4G internet, etc.

Finally, the eLearning and classroom education shall conjoin together to bring out the best of learning module but one-day the conventional education reaches to its end.

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