Age and CA

*RENU SINGH * , Last updated: 23 May 2011  

A person can enroll into CA after passing his/her 12th . Some people pursue it with graduation. So almost the age comes around to 21 or 22 of being a CA. But some people carry it  after graduation . IT means 3 yrs more , so almost 25 yrs can be said as the normal age of being a CA.


Now suppose that he joins the CA after the age of 30. The time gap between the study will enhance the difficulty to grasp the concept more deeply.



Now the person’s mind will be fulfilled with skeptics….e.g. whether he should really join CA or not ?


Comparison -

The person may start comparing himself with others knowingly or unknowingly. Suppose  he may feel odd in the group while discussing or chatting with friends.”She is doing graduation along with CA, I should also do it too.”


Earning age-

Even after passing 12th , people prefer to do part time jobs, to make themselves more independent. But when a person at the age of 30 or more enroll himself, he start thinking e.g.” Isn’t it a good option to do job ?”

When the doubts enter into any work, it makes the efforts half-hearted. The half –hearted efforts cant give the fruitful results as you want. So the person may not agree with the success that he/she may have achieved.

But if that efforts turns into failure then situations becomes more than complicated. The person start thinking “What's the benefits to do CA…..its right time to give up now ?

Time to  give up ???

Do you really think so ? You need to better think again.. Sometime people even don’t support you ….may advise you to give up, which blows the fire of giving up your aim.

The reason of joining the CA was about reaching sky of your career .So even after leaving job …you might tend to think that you are losing an opportunity.

So in short you will again end up your discussion with your heart and mind. If I had taken my CA seriously…I

would have been a CA….now where am I ….everyone forget everything if I had become a CA.

So don’t let this delusion come into your life. Achieve your dreams with the patience and persistence.



You cant really give-up until your heart allows you so. No matter how hard you try or cry for it.



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