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Navigating E-commerce TDS: A Detailed Guide

CA Kunal Jain , Last updated: 02 January 2024  

The latest circular on TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) for online transactions brings some key clarifications. Don't get lost in the technical jargon - This detailed guide simplifies it all!

Scenario: Multiple e-commerce operators (ECOs) are involved in a single transaction. Who's responsible for deducting TDS?

Answer: It depends on their roles:

  • Seller-side ECO: If they make the final payment to the seller (even if it's partially through other ECOs), they're responsible for TDS. Think of them as the final cashier.
  • Buyer-side ECO: They facilitate the buyer's experience but don't handle payments. They're off the hook for TDS.
Navigating E-commerce TDS: A Detailed Guide

What counts as the "gross amount" for TDS?

It's the total price the buyer pays, including:

  • Main price of goods or services
  • Shipping, packaging, convenience charges
  • Commissions charged by ECOs

However, GST and other taxes listed separately on the invoice are excluded.


Discount dilemmas

  • Seller Discount: TDS is calculated on the discounted price the buyer pays.
  • ECO Discount: TDS is still based on the full price, but the ECO absorbs the discount and compensates the seller.

Other Key Points

  • TDS rate is 1%.
  • The deducting ECO files TDS returns and issues certificates to sellers.
  • Purchase returns? Adjust the deducted TDS against future transactions with the same seller.
  • Bonus tip: If you're unsure about your TDS responsibility, consult a tax advisor!
  • Remember: This guide highlights the main points. Always refer to the official circular for complete details and specific situations.

Stay compliant, avoid penalties, and keep your e-commerce business thriving!

I hope this detailed explanation clears any confusion regarding the latest TDS guidelines for e-commerce transactions. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions!

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Published by

CA Kunal Jain
(Chartered Accountant)
Category Income Tax   Report



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